The World of Jack London


Other Related Works

While not specifically "fiction," London's three full-length plays (all published in book form by Macmillan), two "playlets," and the hybrid book titled The Kempton-Wace Letters, form a small body of works related to the author's fictional output.

Three putative works "by Jack London" have been excluded from this Appendix on the basis that there is too little evidence that London did more than lend his name to them. They are the playlets, "Daughters of the Rich," ascribed to "Jack London" (Oakland, CA: The Holmes Book Co., 1971); "The First Poet" (see below); and Gold: A Play in Three Acts "by Jack London & Herbert Heron" (Oakland, CA: The Holmes Book Co., 1972).

Herbert Heron Peet (1881-1968), a poet and short story writer, was a familiar figure among the Carmel, California, writer's colony that included George Sterling, Mary Austin, Nora May French and the occasional visitor, Jack London.

Gold, based upon London's story "A Day's Lodging" (entry 100) was written in 1910, "Daughters of the Rich" presumably in 1915 when it was copyrighted. (See James E. Sisson III, "Jack London's Plays," in the 1971 printing of "Daughters of the Rich").

"The First Poet" was originally published in The Century Magazine in June 1911 under London's name and later collected in The Turtles of Tasman. On November 11, 1910, George Sterling wrote to London and asked him to publish his enclosed manuscript of "The First Poet" as London's own work. London acknowledged receipt of the manuscript and Sterling's request in a November 16 reply. Although London initially objected, he later relented.

A-1 The Kempton-Wace Letters — New York: The Macmillan Co., May 1903. First published anonymously, this book, an epistolary exchange on eugenics and romance, was a collaboration between London and Russian-born Anna Strunsky (1878-1964), a student at Stanford University, and a prominent young Bay Area socialist when London met her in 1899. She is often described as one of the "great loves" of London's life. See James Boylan, Revolutionary Lives: Anna Strunsky and William English Walling, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998. A valuable assessment of the book is the foreword by Douglas Robillard to the 1990 edition of The Kempton-Wace Letters (Albany, NY: NCUP, Inc.)
A-2 Scorn of Women — New York: The Macmillan Co., November 1906
A-3 Theft — New York: The Macmillan Co., November 1910
A-4 "Her Brother's Clothes" — San Francisco Examiner, September 25, 1911. [HD]
This short play was collected in The Human Drift under the title "The Birth Mark". London's working title for the play was "The Intruder".
A-5 The Acorn Planter — New York: The Macmillan Co., February 1916
A-6 "A Wicked Woman" — February 1917. [HD]
This short play was written by London in June 1906 immediately after he had written a short story version of it (entry 93) with the same title.
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