The World of Jack London
Book Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


(All numbers are linked to entries in the Fiction Chronology)

Abysmal Brute, The 21

Acorn Planter, The, A-4

Adventure, 18

Adventure in the Upper Sea, An, 52

Adventures of Captain Grief, The 24

Alaskan Courtship, An, 23

All Gold Cañon, 84

Aloha Oe, 110, 117

Amateur Night, 74

Anatomy of Paradise, (Furnas) 126

And 'Frisco Kid Came Back, 5

Angry Mammoth, The, 39

Apostate, The, 91

Assassination Bureau, Ltd., The, 41

At the Rainbow's End, 44

Bald Face, 34

Banks of the Sacramento, The, 76

Bâtard, 53, 6

Before Adam, 13

Benefit of the Doubt, The, 133

Best Short Stories of Jack London, The, (Burdick), 156

Birth Mark, The, A-4

Bodley Head Jack London, The, 45, 130

Bones of Kahekili, The, 185

Book of Jack London, The, (C.K. London), 8

Brown Wolf, 90

Bunches of Knuckles, 138

Burning Daylight, 19

By a Thousand Deaths, 12

By the Turtles of Tasman, 160

Call of the Wild, The 6, 36

Captain of the Susan Drew, The, 172

Charley's Coup, 81

Chased by the Trail, 102

Cherry, 187

Children of the Frost, 4

Chinago, The, 120, 96

Chris Farrington: Able Seaman, 48, 108

Chun Ah Chun, 127

Created He Them, 98

Cruise of the Dazzler, The, 3

Curious Fragment, A, 112

Daughter of the Aurora, A, 23

Daughter of the Snows, A, 5

Daughters of the Rich See Appendix

Day's Lodging, A, 100

Dead Do Not Come Back, The, 142

Dead Horse Trail, The, 27

Death of Ligoun, The, 62

Death Trail, The, 99

Demetrios Contos, 82

Devils Dice Box, The, 189

Devils of Fuatino, The, 149

Diable — A Dog, 53

Dream Image, A, 196

Dream of Debs, The, 114

Dutch Courage, 36

Dutch Courage and Other Stories 40

Earth Horizon, (Austin), 175

End of the Chapter, The, 26

End of the Story, The, 158

Enemy of the World, The, 109

Eternity of Forms, The, 142

Even Unto Death, 28

Eyes of Asia, 187

Faith of Men, The, 69

Faith of Men and Other Stories, The, 8

Father Roubeau's Confession, 15

Father Roubeau's Dream, 17

Fearless One, The, 158

Feathers of the Sun, The, 167

Finis, 99

First Poet, The See Appendix

Flush of Gold, 106, 28

Flutter in Eggs, A, 165, 67

Fortune Hunter, The, 67

Forty Mile Duel, 11

"Francis Spaight, The", 139

'Frisco Kid, 3

'Frisco Kid's Story, 1

'Fuzziness' of Hoockla-Heen, The, 55

Game, The, 9

Ghostly Chess Game, The, 4

Goat Man of Fuatino, The, 149

Goboto Night, A, 154

God of His Fathers, The, 47

God of His Fathers and Other Stories, The, 2

Gold: A Play in Three Acts See Appendix

Goliah, 127, 45

Good-bye, Jack, 119

Great Interrogation, The, 38

Grilling of Loren Ellery, The, 168

Grit of Women, 29, 170

Handsome Cabin Boy, The, 16

Hanging of Cultus George, The, 163

Hearts of Three, 37

Heathen, The, 122

Her Brother's Clothes, A-4

History of American Magazines, A, (Mott), 13

Hobo, The, 72

Hobo and the Fairy, The, 140

House of Mapuhi, The, 115

House of Pride, The, 136

House of Pride, The, 23

Hussy, The, 175

Hyperborean Brew, A, 49

In a Far Country, 14, 16

In the Forests of the North, 60

In the Cave of the Dead, 183

Inevitable White Man, The, 129

In the Time of Prince Charley, 18

Intruder, The, A-4

In Yeddo Bay, 66, 3

Iron Heel, The, 15

Jacket, The, 31

Jack London, (Walcutt), 68

Jack London, A Definitive Chronology, (Kingman), 168

Jack London, American Rebel, (Foner), 45, 141

Jack London: A Bibliography, (Woodbridge), 187

Jack London, Biblio. & Bio. Data, (Gaer), 117

Jack London, A Biography, (O'Conner), 44

Jack London and His Times, (Joan London), 16, 31

Jack London and the Klondike, (Walker), 14

Jack London: Master Craftsman of the Short Story,
     (Hendricks), 51

Jack London in the South Seas, (Day), 124

Jack London Stories, (Platt & Munk), 55

Jan, the Omnipotent, 30

Jan, the Unrepentant, 30

Jerry of the Islands, 35

John Barleycorn, 28

Jokers of New Gibbon, The, 159

Junior Classics, (Williams & Dalphin), 102

"Just Meat", 97

Kanaka Surf, The, 176

Keesh, The Bear Hunter, 75

Keesh, Son of Keesh, 50

Kempton-Wace Letters, The, 6  A-1

King of the Greeks, The, 78

King of the Lepers, 124

King of the Mazy May, The, 21

Klondike Christmas, A, 191

Klondike Fever, (Berton), 27

Klondike Wooing, A, 190

Koolau the Leper, 124

Law of Life, The, 42

League of the Old Men, The, 65

Leopard Man's Story, The, 70

Lesson in Heraldry, A, 25

Letters from Jack London, (Hendricks & Shepard), 12

Like Argus of the Ancient Times, 177

Little Account with Swithin Hall, A, 153

Little Lady of the Big House, The, 33

Little Man, The, 161

Li-Wan, the Fair, 58, 55

Local Color, 72

Log of the Snark, (C. K. London), 122

Lost Face, 113

Lost Face, 17

Lost Poacher, The, 43

Love of Life, 86

Love of Life and Other Stories, 14

Madness of John Harned, The, 117

Mahatma's Little Joke, The, 193

Make Westing, 107

Mandala: Literature for Critical Analysis, 108

Man of Mine, 176

Man on the Other Bank, 155

Man With the Gash, The, 32

Marriage of Lit-Lit, The, 71

Martin Eden, 16

Master of Mystery, The, 59

Mauki, 125

Meat, The, 146

Men of Forty-Mile, The, 11

Mexican, The, 151

Michael, Brother of Jerry, 36

Millionaires and Grub Street, (Bridge), 8

Minions of Midas, The, 46, 111

Misogynist, The, 194

Mission of John Starhurst, The, 126

Mistake of Creation, The, 164

Moon-Face, 56

Moon-Face and Other Stories, 12

Morganson's Finish, 99

Mutiny of the Elsinore, The, 30

My Belated Education, 28

My Definite Beginnings as a Writer, 28

My Early Readings, 28

My First Efforts to Write, 28

Mystery of Keesh, The, 75

Nam-Bok, the Liar, 57

Nak-Bok, the Unveracious, 57

Negore, the Coward, 101

Never Travel Alone, 51

Night-Born, The, 147

Night-Born, The, 27

Night's Swim in Yeddo Bay, A, 3, 66

No Pie in the Sky, (Feied), 72

Northland Duel, 11

Northland Episode, A, 9

Northland Miracle, A, 188

Nose, The, 87

Nose for the King, A, 87

Odyssey of the North, An, 24

O Haru, 192

Old Baldy, 19

Old Soldier's Story, An, 13

On the Banks of the Sacramento, 76

'One More Unfortunate,' 6

One Thousand Dozen, The, 67, 165

On Furlough, 13

On the Makaloa Mat, 184

On the Makaloa Mat, 39

Our Benevolent Feudalism, (Ghent), 15

Pals, 97

Passing of Marcus O'Brien, The, 103

Pearls of Parley, The, 156

Piece of Life, 85

Piece of Steak, A, 123

Plague Ship, The, 195

Planchette, 88

Poppy Cargo, 172

Priestly Prerogative, The, 15

Princess, The, 179

Prodigal Father, The, 171

Proper 'Girlie,' The, 33

Proud Goat of Aloysius Pankburn, The, 145

Race for Number One, The, 157

Race for Number Three, The, 157

Raid on the Oyster Pirates, A, 79

Rebel, The, 91

Rebels and Ancestors, (Geismar), 88

Red Hot Dollar, The, (Umbstaetter), 12

Red One, The, 182

Red One, The, 38

Rejuvenation of Major Rathbone, The, 20

Relic of the Pliocene, A, 40

Revolutionary Lives: Anna Strunsky and William
     English Walling
(Boylan), A-1

Sailor on Horseback, (Stone), 8

Sakaicho, Hona Asi and Hakadaki, 2

Savage Victory, 9

Samuel, 173

Scarlet Plague, The, 25

Scorn of Woman, The, 45

Scorn of Women, A-2

Seacoast of Bohemia, The (Walker), 29

Sea-Farmer, The, 166, 173

Sea Gangsters, The, 30

Sea Wolf, The, 7

Sea Wolf and Selected Stories, The, 25

Seed of McCoy, The, 116

Semper Idem, 39

Semper Idem, Semper Fidelis, 39

Shadow and the Flash, The, 68

Sheriff of Kona, The, 121

Shin-Bones, 183

Shirt Without a Collar, The, 31

Shorty Dreams, 152

Shorty Has a Dream, 152

Sickness of Lone Chief, The, 64

Siege of the 'Lancashire Queen,' The, 80

Sinclair Lewis, An American Life, (Schorer), 41

Siwash, 41

Sleeping Wolf, 6

Smoke Bellew, 26

Son of the Sun, A, 143

Son of the Sun, A, 24

Son of the Wolf, The, 10

Son of the Wolf, The, 1, 24

South Sea Tales, 22

South of the Slot, 118

Star-Dust, 16

Story of Ab (Waterloo), 13

Story of Jees Uck, The, 63

Story of Keesh, The, 75

Stampede to Squaw Creek, The, 150, 34

Star Rover, The, 31

Story of the Little Man, The, 161

Strange Experience of a Misogynist, The, 194

Strength of the Strong, The, 141

Strength of the Strong, The, 32

Sturges Owen, Apostate, 46

Success, 16

Sun Dog Trail, The, 85

Sun Folks, The, 61

Sunlanders, The, 61

Tale Five, The Man on the Other Bank, 155

Tales of the Fish Patrol, 10

Tar Pot, The, 172

Taste of the Meat, The, 144

Tears of Ah Kim, The, 180

Terrible Solomons, The, 128

Test: A Clondyke Wooing, The, 190

Thanksgiving on Slav Creek, 35, 150

That Spot, 105

Theft, A-3

Their Alcove, 31

Thousand Deaths, A, 12

Through the South Seas with Jack London,
     (Johnson), 111

Tilly of the Siwash, 40

To Build a Fire, 51, 108

To Kill a Man, 137

Told in the Drooling Ward, 174

To the Man on the Trail, 8

Too Much Gold, 73

To Repel Boarders, 54

To the Valley of Death, 16

Town-Site of Tra-Lee, The, 169

Trust, 104

Turning Point, The, 98

Turtles of Tasman, The, 34

Two Gold Bricks, 7

Under the Deck Awnings, 134

Unexpected, The, 89

Unmasking of the Cad, The, 162

Unparalleled Invasion, The, 130

Up the Slide, 92

Uri Bram's God, 27

Valley of the Moon, The, 29

Voyaging in Wild Seas, (C. K. London), 113

War, 148

Water Baby, The, 181

Whale Tooth, The, 126

When Alice Told Her Soul, 178

When God Laughs, 96

When God Laughs and Other Stories, 20

When the World Was Young, 132

Where the Trail Forks, 37, 6

Which Make Men Remember, 27

White Fang, 11

White Man's Way, The, 94

White Silence, The, 9

White and Yellow, 77

Who Believes in Ghosts!, 4

Whose Business Is to Live, 186

Wicked Woman, A, 93

Wicked Woman, A A-6

Wife of a King, The, 17, 44

Winged Blackmail, 131

Wisdom of the Trail, The, 22

Wit of Porportuk, The, 95

Wolf, The, 6

Woman Among the Headhunters, A,
     (C. K. London), 127

Wonder of Woman, 170

Yah! Yah! Yah!, 135

Yellow Handkerchief, 83

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