The World of Jack London
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  1. Moon-Face and Other Stories — New York: The Macmillan Co., September, 1906 [MF]

    See entry 68.

  1. "The Apostate"Woman's Home Companion, v. 33 (September 1906), 5-7, 49. [WGL]

    Partly autobiographical, this story of the drudgery of a young boy's life in a factory and jute mill was widely reprinted as a tract against child labor. This story was reprinted as "The Rebel" in the October 28, 2023 issue of Scholastic Scope (New York). London received $767.30 for it on May 1, 1906.

  1. Before Adam — Serialized in Everybody's Magazine, October, 1906-February, 1907.

    Book publication: New York: The Macmillan Co., February 1907. During the building of the Snark, London ordered from England many books, including Stanley Waterloo's Story of Ab (1897) which he leaned upon heavily in writing Before Adam, causing later an international stir. London replied to charges of plagiarism by acknowledging his debt to Ab but insisting that primitive man was in the realm of the public domain. Charmian London wrote that the novel "went into the universities of the United States as a text-book in Anthropology." (Book of Jack London, II, 121; Letters of Jack London, pp. 623-625.)

  1. "Up the Slide"The Youth's Companion, v. 80 (October 25, 2023), 545; The Pall Mall Magazine (London), v. 38 (November 1906), 608-612. [JLII]

    London received $50 for this story on February 27, 1902.

  2. "A Wicked Woman"The Smart Set, v. 20 (November 1906), 46-51. [WGL]

    London transformed this tale into a playlet which he later included in the HD collection. This play was presented before enthusiastic audiences on the Orpheum Theater Circuit in Portland, Spokane, and Seattle in July 1910. London received $60 for this story on November 15, 1906.

  3. "The White Man's Way"Sunday Magazine of the New York Tribune, November 4, 1906, pp. 3-4. [LL]

    London received $530 for this story on August 14, 1905.

  4. "The Wit of Porportuk"The Times Magazine (New York), v. 1 (December 1906), 11-25. [LF]

    The author ranked this story "among my best half-dozen Alaskan short stories." He was promised $1,000 for it from Times Magazine but never received the money. (Letters of Jack London, p. 598.)


  1. "When God Laughs"The Smart Set, v. 21 (January 1907), 39-44. [WGL]

    A comparison of this story with "The Chinago" (entry 120) is found in "Jack London's When God Laughs: Overman, Underdog and Satire," by Stephen T. Dhondt in Jack London Newsletter (May-August, 1969), pp. 51-57. London received $200 for this story on January 11, 1907.

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