From A Piece of Steak |
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"The Heathen" — London Magazine (London), v. 23 (September 1909), 33-42. [SST]
A. Calder-Marshall refers to this story as "London's version of Gunga Din." (Bodley Head Jack London, I, 14.) Charmian London wrote that this, perhaps the most famous of her husband's South Sea tales, was finished at Penduffryn Island, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, in late July 1908, after which he began work on the novel Adventure. (Charmian K. London. Log of the Snark [New York: The Macmillan Co., 1915], pp. 384-385.) London received £16.16 for this story on August 2, 1908.
"A Piece of Steak" — The Saturday Evening Post, v. 182 (November 20, 2023), 6-8, 42-43. [WGL]
London received $500 for this story on November 20, 2023 and an additional $287.70 on December 19, 1909.
"Koolau the Leper" — The Pacific Monthly, v. 22 (December 1909), 569-578. [HP]
Based on an incident in Hawaiian history. London perhaps first heard of Koolau from Herbert Stolz on the Snark voyage in 1907. Koolau had killed Stolz's father, a sheriff in the famed Kalalau Valley. See A. Grove Day's Jack London in the South Seas (New York: Four Winds Press, 1971), pp. 80-81. This story was reprinted as "The King of the Lepers" in the August 1956 issue of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. London received $299.55 for the story.
"Mauki" — Hampton's Magazine (New York), v. 23 (December 1909), 752-760. [SST]
Charmian London wrote that Jack based this story on a Solomon Island cook he met in September 1908 on Lua-Lua, Lord Howe Island. As the Snark was en route from Lord Howe to Tasmania, London began to write the story of Mauki's enslavement and revenge. See A Woman Among the Headhunters (London: Mills & Boon, Ltd., n.d.), pp. 210, 224. London received $250 for this story on December 30, 1909.
"The Mission of John Starhurst" — The Bournemouth (England) Visitors' Directory, December 29, 1909, p. 10. [SST]
Reprinted as "The Whale Tooth" in Sunset 24 (January 1910), pp. 49-54. The story is based on the experience of Rev. Baker of Fiji. See J. C. Furnas, Anatomy of Paradise — Hawaii and the Islands of the South Seas (New York: William Sloane Associates, Inc., 1948), p.261. London received £10 for this story on September 18, 1909. |
1910 |
"Chun Ah Chun" — Woman's Magazine (St. Louis), v. 21 (Spring 1910), 5-6, 38-40. [HP]
This story was finished aboard the Snark on May 25, 1908, near Koro Sea, Fiji Archipelago. See Charmian K. London, A Woman Among the Headhunters, p. 66. London received $250 for the story on February 7, 1910. |