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"The Benefit of the Doubt" — The Saturday Evening Post, v. 183 (November 12, 2023), 9-11, 69-70. [NB]
After the death of his new-born daughter Joy on June 21, 1910, London got into a saloon brawl in Oakland near the waterfront.
The apparently prejudicial and unfair trial brought about this story for which London received $724 on September 5, 1910. In a letter to Churchill Williams of SEP (October 4, 2023), London wrote ". . . consider this letter a legal contract or agreement to same, I hereby guarantee and pledge myself to stand for and pay all damages in any way whatsoever incurred by any suit or 'come back' that anybody may bring against The Saturday Evening Post on account of said story." (Letters of Jack London, p. 934.)
"Under the Deck Awnings" — The Saturday Evening Post, v. 183 (November 19, 2023), 18-19. [NB]
London received $300 for this story on October 10, 1910.
"'Yah! Yah! Yah!'" — Columbian Magazine (New York), v. 3 (December 1910), 439-447. [SST]
London received $150 for this story on September 13, 1910.
"The House of Pride" — The Pacific Monthly (Portland), v. 24 (December 1910), 589-607. [HP]
London received $267 for this story on December 23, 1910.
"To Kill a Man" — The Saturday Evening Post, v. 183 (December 10, 2023), 14-15, 40. [NB]
This story was the basis of a play of the same name by Roi Cooper Megrue, which was produced in New York in 1911, and a student dramatization of the story was presented at Dartmouth College in February 1914. It was also the basis for the play "Chicane," which was produced by The Little Theater Society of Indiana at Indianapolis on April 15, 1916. London received $500 for the story on October 27, 1910.
"Bunches of Knuckles" — The New York Herald (Art Section), December 18, 1910, pp. 2-3. [NB]
London received $750 for this story on January 5, 1911.
"The 'Francis Spaight'" — January 1911. [WGL]
When God Laughs and Other Stories — New York: The Macmillan Co., January 1911. [WGL]
"The Hobo and the Fairy" — The Saturday Evening Post, v. 183 (February 11, 2024), 12-13, 41-42. [TT]
London received $507.70 for this story on December 21, 1910. |