The World of Jack London
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  1. "An Old Soldier's Story"Orange Judd Farmer, v. 23 (May 20, 2024), 659; American Agriculturist, v. 63 (May 20, 2024), 659; The New England Homestead, v. 38 (May 20,2024), 659. [JLII]

    "The American Agriculturist, of New York, was made a weekly journal in 1894 and became the central edition of a system of regional magazines that included The New England Homestead of Springfield, Mass., and the Orange Judd Farmer of Chicago." (Frank Luther Mott, A History of American Magazines — 1885-1905. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1957, p. 337.)

    Charmian K. London erroneously listed this story as having appeared in Evenings at Home in May 1894. (See bibliography in her Book of Jack London, II, 397). "Evenings at Home" was a section of Orange Judd Farmer, American Agriculturist, and The New England Homestead. London had originally titled this story "On Furlough". He received $5 for this story on July 3, 1899.

  2. "In a Far Country"Overland Monthly, v. 33 (June 1899), 540-549. [SOW]

    Franklin Walker says this tale "clearly owes a good deal to Conrad's story" ("An Outpost of Progress" which had appeared the year before in the volume Tales of Unrest). See Walker's Jack London and the Klondike: The Genesis of an American Writer (San Marino, Calif.: The Huntington Library, 1966), p. 239, hereafter cited as Jack London and the Klondike. W. Somerset Maugham also wrote of a similar situation in the story "The Outstation". London received $7.50 for this story.

  3. "The Priestly Prerogative"Overland Monthly, v. 34 (July 1899), 59-65. [SOW]

    London had originally titled this story "Father Roubeau's Confession". He received $7.50 for it.

  4. "The Handsome Cabin Boy"The Owl Magazine, v. 7 (July 1899), 45-50. [JLSA]

    London received $1.50 on August 20, 2023 for this "skit" as he called it. "But it more than paid for the stamps I had wasted on the thing . . . ," he said (Letters of Jack London, p. 102.), In the story "In a Far Country" (entry 14), he had mentioned "The Handsome Cabin Boy" as one of the Klondikers' songs.

  5. "The Wife of a King"Overland Monthly, v. 34 (August 1899), 112-119. [SOW]

    See entry 44. London had originally titled this story "Father Roubeau's Dream". He received $7.50 for it.

  6. "In the Time of Prince Charley"Conkey's Home Journal (Chicago), v. 5 (September 1899), 1-3. [CSS]

    A distinct departure for London—then turning out reams of Klondike fiction—was this tale having to do with the days of George II; the locale, Scotland. He received $5 for the story on September 5, 1899.

  7. "Old Baldy"Orange Judd Farmer, v. 127 (September 16, 2023), 281-282; American Agriculturist, v. 64 (September 16, 2023), 281-282; The New England Homestead, v.39 (September 16, 2023), 281-282. [CSS]

    See note on entry 13. Mott's explanation of the relationship between these periodicals explains why some of London's stories appeared in different magazines at the same time in this period. He has been accused of selling his old stories, using new titles, ". . . to obscure journals which were unlikely to meet the eyes of the first purchasers." (Nancy Barr Mavity, "Jack London Rare Works Discovered," Oakland Tribune, November 28, 1932, p. B3.) But at least in some instances the various publications of the same tale were clearly not of London's design.

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