The World of Jack London
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  1. "Nam-Bok, the Liar"Ainslee's Magazine, v. 10 (August 1902), 29-37. [CF]

    This story was reprinted as "Nam-Bok, the Unveracious" in CF and in other later collections. London received $100 for this story on February 27, 1902.

  2. "Li-Wan, the Fair"The Atlantic Monthly, v. 90 (August 1902), 212-221. [CF]

    A tale very similar to "The 'Fuzziness' of Hoockla-Heen," (entry 55) and rather too close for comfort to its publication. London received $100 for this story on February 18, 1902.

  3. "The Master of Mystery"Out West , (Los Angeles), v. 17 (September 1902), 330-339. [CF]

    London received $15 for this story on October 3, 1902.

  4. "In the Forests of the North"Pearson's Magazine, v. 14 (September 1902), 874- 884. [CF]

    London received $150 for this story on February 24, 1902.

  5. "The Sunlanders" — September 1902. [CF]

    London received $100 for this story from Ainslee's on December 23, 1901. Ainslee's gave London permission to include it in CF in exchange for a later story. London originally titled this story "The Sun Folks".

  6. "The Death of Ligoun" — September 1902. [CF]

  1. Children of the Frost — New York: The Macmillan Co., September 1902. [CF]

  1. "The Story of Jees Uck"The Smart Set, v. 8 (September 1902), 57-70. [FM]

    London received $100 for this story on June 24, 1902.

  1. A Daughter of the Snows — New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., October 1902.

    This first novel is a plodding work but important in the development of the still-maturing writer. According to Irving Stone, McClure's backed the book, sending the author $125 a month while he was at work on it; but upon its completion, decided against publishing it and sold the novel to Lippincott's for an advance against royalties of $750. (Sailor on Horseback, pp. 148, 152.) Stone says the book exemplifies London's two main weaknesses as a writer: ". . . his conception of the supremacy of the Anglo-Saxon race; and his inability to transcribe to a flesh-and-blood reality on the printed page any woman above the working class." (Sailor on Horseback, p. 150.)

The World of Jack London
A Pictorial Biography
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