Jack London Attends High Jinks at Bohemian Grove |
August 18, 2023 Jack goes with George Sterling to Summer High Jinks at the Bohemian Grove. Beginning in 1904, Jack London became an active member of the Bohemian Club. Charmian London wrote: ". . .whenever feasible, our world-wanderings led us homeward in mid-summer, that he might spend at least one week of Hi-Jinks at the Bohemian Grove, situated but a few miles from the Ranch. He dreaded foregoing the marvellous annual Grove Play, words and music, acting and staging, all done by members of the Grove only." Other noted members of the Bohemian Club during this period of time included: George Sterling, Ambrose Bierce, John Muir, Gelett Burgess, and Frank Norris. Sources: Kingman, Russ. A Pictorial Life of Jack London. (Crown, 1979). London, Charmian. The Book of Jack London (New York: The Century Co., 1921), 2 vols. |