Jack London's Ranch Album: A Pictorial Biography

Jack London's Beloved Beauty Ranch

Riders on Horseback
"I have long since decided to buy land in the woods, somewhere, and build. For over a year, I have been planning this home proposition, and now I am just beginning to see my way clear to it. I am really going to throw out an anchor so big and so heavy that all hell could never get it up again. In fact, it's going to be a prodigious, ponderous sort of anchor."
Jack London Signature
"Next to my wife, the ranch is the dearest thing in the world to me. Heavens! I sit up nights over that ranch."
- October 7, 2023
Small Wolf

The Jack London Ranch consisted of seven parcels purchased over several years.

Hill Ranch

"There are 130 acres in the place, and they are 130 acres of the most beautiful, primitive land to be found in California. There are great redwoods on it, some of them thousands of years old. . . in fact, the redwoods are as fine and magnificent as any to be found anywhere outside the tourists groves. Also there are great firs, tanbark oaks, maples, live-oaks, white-oaks, black-oaks, madrono and manzanita galore. There are canyons, several streams of water, many springs . . . I have been riding all over these hills, looking for just such a place, and I must say that I have never seen anything like it."- 1905
Small Wolf
Kohler and Frohling Ranch
"I am buying seven hundred acres of land that rounds out and connects my present two ranches, giving me miles of frontage on three creeks, and some magnificent mountain land, to say nothing of the timber - real wild country."   - 1910

London Trivia
First crop Jack grew on his newly acquired Hill Ranch was hay. The very first building project on the ranch was the building of a barn.
"I write for no other purpose than to add to the beauty that now belongs to me. I write a book for no other reason than to add three or four hundred acres to my magnificent estate."

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