The Famous Pig Palace
 "As usual I am plugging away, head over heels with the ranch. . .I am building, construction, and making the dead soil live again. My terraces are beginning to show up." – Jack London
 Beauty Ranch
 Ranch Cottage
The Pig Palace

Due to lack of care, the metal reinforcing of the concrete roofs had rusted, and most of the roofs had caved in. However, thanks to the State Park System's restoration, the Pig Palace at Beauty Ranch still stands today.

The so-called "Pig Palace" was a brilliant innovation in London's time and the idea is used extensively today. It was built with a two-story circular feed building in the center. Feed was stored on the second floor and was dropped through chutes directly into mixing troughs. Surrounding the feed building are seventeen "suites" that can handle up to three hundred pigs. Each suite has a roofed section for sleeping and an open section where they were fed. Wooden platforms were put down at night and raised during the day for hosing down. A door at the rear leads to ramps so the pigs can go out and roam during the day in a fenced enclosure. One man could mix the feed with but a few steps and put it in each trough. He could open a valve and fill the water containers simultaneously in all suites. Workmen and visitors stepped into an antiseptic solution to prevent transfer of any germs. View another photo

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