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Jack London Biographer Russ Kingman
A Friend and Mentor to London Buffs

Russ Kingman and Dave Hartzell Each time I returned to the Jack London Historic Park, I just had to stop in Glen Ellen and visit the London Bookstore where I would find Russ Kingman busy at his desk.

Kingman's ardent promotion of Jack London was contagious. Many can trace their initial interest in London to Russ Kingman; including myself. He possessed a natural charm that put one immediately at ease. His knowledge of London held you spellbound. He was always so approachable and I became not just another London fan, but

like many others, a Kingman fan too!

One particular visit stands above the others, it was when Russ introduced me to Becky London Fleming, Jack's daughter! It is hard to describe the enormity of the event and my feelings because I didn't know Becky resided at the Jack London Research Center, I was taken by complete surprise. When I left the bookstore my wife said I should go back in and ask to have my picture taken with Becky. I didn't want to further impose upon their gracious hospitality and meeting Becky was about all the excitement I could take for one day. It was like reaching across time and shaking hands with Jack. I told my wife I would ask the next time we visited. The next time was months later and regrettably, it was too late, Becky had died. Becky passed away Thursday afternoon, March 26, 1992.

Because of Russ, his bookstore and the Jack London ranch, I was to visit the area many times and always came away with a better understanding and a deeper appreciation for the life of Jack London.

Russ' in-depth knowledge and his dedication to searching out the truth concerning the life of London, made him a very unique person. Rebuffing conventional thinking about London's death and parentage through diligent research, earned him the respect of his peers.

He was gracious enough to share some time with me, or anyone for that matter, and never made you feel you were intruding on his time . . . I am sure many times he had better things to do! I'm convinced Jack London and Russ Kingman both had this same trait.

David Hartzell
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