The World of Jack London
Latch string is always on the outside

Joan, Bess and Bessie (Maddern) London

Bessie Maddern: July 13, 2024 - Sept. 7, 1947

(Photo taken about the time of the divorce)

Joan, Bess and Bessie "The break up of London's marriage was imminent. He simply couldn't endure it any longer. Bessie was a fine woman, but they were extremely incompatible. Jack was struggling with his strong sense of family responsiblity and an equally strong realization that to continue living with Bessie was impossible."

Jack London's relationship with Bessie was very cold after the divorce. Bessie became a "professional martyr" according to his daughter, Becky. She did everything in her power to make their two daughters hate Charmian. She even told the girls that Jack had married a woman twenty years his senior. They were never allowed to visit the ranch during Jack's lifetime and Bessie's only interest in Jack was a constant request for money. Jack took good care of her and their daughters. In 1913, out of the goodness of his heart and to get the girls away from the poorly operated Sanitorium nearby, built them a beautiful home in Piedmont. The house still stands and has one of the most beautiful views of the San Francisco Bay.

Source: Kingman, Russ. A Pictorial Life of Jack London. (NY: Crown 1979)
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