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Jo Anne Sharpe
Guide to the Jack London Newsletter
Compiled by Jo Anne Sharpe
Copyright © 1996 by Jo Anne Sharpe

Numbers refer to item numbers in the JLN Index not page numbers.

Acorn Planter, The,
Ahearn, Marie L., 1
Alien Worlds of Jack London, The,
Allatt, Edward, 2-5 Allied Artists, 341
American Fiction: 1900-1950:

A Guide to Information Sources, 379
American Short Fiction, Readings Fiction, 380

Anthologies; anthology, 353, 382, 390
Archetypal, 42, 241
Arctic tales, 43
Assassination Bureau, The, 2, 4

Autobiography, 191

Bahls, William Tum Suden, 300
Bain, III, Joe S., 6
Banquet (See Jack London Birthday Banquet)
Barltrop, Robert, 271
Baskett, Sam S., 7
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 377
Beauchamp, Gorman, 334
Before Adam,
Beilke, MarIan, 8
Belgium, 120
Bennett, Kenneth 1., 9, 10
Berry, Jeff, 11
Besant, Larry X., 12
Bibliography, 19, 155, 184, 196, 205, 212, 214, 255, 284, 294, 358, 381, 416 (See also Jack London, A Bibliography; WLT2)
Biographer, 292
Biography, 129, 171, 201, 284, 286, 289, 293, 381
Birthday (See Jack London Birthday Banquet)
Blackman, Jr., Gordon N., 13, 14
Book of Jack London, The,
Bouwman, Fred, 15
Bowen, James K., 380
Boxing, 80, 200
Brazil, John, 16
Brewster, Jim, 17
Brown, Ellen, 18
Bubka, Tony, 19, 356
Bukoski, Anthony, 20
Bulgarian, 144
Burbank, Luther, 12
Burning Daylight,
Burstein, Harold M., 21
Burton, Lou, 22
Bush, Glen P., 23
Buxton, Frances, 24
By the Law,
Bykov, Vil, 25-30, 36, 110

Cabezas Coca, Francisco, 382
Call of the Wild, The,
34, 47, 71, 72, 78, 132, 133, 136, 137, 144, 146, 155, 235, 256, 259, 313, 317
Call of the Wild by Jack London: A Casebook with Text, Background Sources, Reviews, Critical Essays, and Bibliography, The,
Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories, The,
Campbell, Jeanne, 31 (See also Reesman, Jeanne Campbell)
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 137, 260
Centennial (of Jack London's birth), 25, 102, 105, 153, 163, 217, 224, 346, 369
Chessey, Bob, 32
China, 247
Clasby, Nancy, 33
Clausen, Henry A., 121
Clayton, Lawrence, 34, 35
Colin, Vera, 26, 36
Collecting; 217 (See also First editions)
Collection(s), 24, 43, 116, 234, 353
Collector(s), 285, 291, 309
College English Association, Seventeenth Annual Conference, 7, 359
Collins, Billy G., 37
Conlon, Stephen, 38
Conrad, Joseph, 277
Cook, George, 39, 40
Cooper, James Glennon, 41, 42
Cortazar, Julio, 10
Courbin, Jacqueline M., 43, 333 (See also Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline)
Critic, 119, 162, 168, 219, 267
Critical, 155, 203, 228, 333
Critical Essays on Jack London,
Criticism, 152, 172, 304
Cruise of the Snark, The,
Culwell, R. Hunter, 44
Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy Fiction,

Daghlian, Carlos, 45
Daily Worker, The, 362
Daughters of the Rich,
87, 170, 251
Danish, 119, 121, 370
Davis, Richard Harding, 83, 256
Davis, William H. L., 46
Day, A. Grove, 17
"Day's Lodging, A," 355
Dean, Paul, 47
Dear Comrades,
Death(s), 19, 53, 66, 278
Debbs,Eugene, 115
DeGruson, Gene, 48
Denmark, 145
Devane, William, 135
DeVore, Lynn, 49
Dhondt, Steven T., 50-52
Dickey, James, 317
Die Buchgemeinde,
DiMiceli, Caroline, 53
Dissertation(s), 42, 95, 239
Dodson, Mary Kay, 54
Draughtsman, The,
Due, Do Due, 55
Dunford, Michael, 56
Dunn, N. E., 57
Dzhek London,
26, 36, 381

East Bay Magazine,
Echevarria, E. A., 58
Ellis, Harold D., 59
End of the Tether, The,
England, 84
Erbentraut, Edwin B., 60-67
Essay; essays, 152, 155, 172, 319, 333
Etulain, Richard W., 173
Eucalyptus, 262
Exhibit, 59, 291

Fantasy, 165, 304
Fick, Alvin S., 68
Fiction, 68, 84, 88, 110, 165, 175, 196, 201, 209, 226, 238, 275, 314, 379, 380, 390
Fiction of Jack London, The,
68, 196
Films (See Movies)
Findley, Sue, 69
First editions, 100, 217, 221, 222, 310
First Poet, The, 98

Fischler, Lee Lawrence, 70
Fleming, Bess London, (See
London, Becky)
Flink, Andrew, 71-74
Forrey, Robert, 75, 76
Fragmentos del Futuro,
Freeman, A. W., 77, 378
French, 159-161
Freudian, 123
Frey, Charles, 78
Fujiwara, Sakae, 79
Furuseth, Charley, 324

Gable, Clark, 133 Game,The, 200
Gatti, Susan Irvin, 80
German. 343
Gershenowitz,lUury, 81-83
Giles, James R., 84-86
Glancy, Donald R., 87
Glen Ellen, 283, 335, 340
Gold: A Play in Three Acts,
151, 169, 355
Goldrush, 343
Gower, Ronald, 88
Great Short Works of Jack London,
Gross, Dalton, 89
Guerin, Wilfred L., 386

Haire, David B., 90
Hall, Jim, 86
Hamby, James A., 91
Hamilton, David Mike, 92, 93, 339
Haney, William, 94
Harty, Kevin J., 95
Hatchel, Linda, 96
Hattenhauer, Darryl, 97
Hawaiian fiction, 238
Hedrick, Joan, 306
Hendricks,King, 51, 158, 254, 296
Henry, James L., 98-101
Hensley, Dennis E., 90, 102-108
Heron, Herbert, 151
Heston, Charleton, 132
Hindman, Kathleen B., 109 Hockett, Jack, 160
Hoffmeister, Charles Christian, 29, 110-115
Hoffmeister, Karl-Christian, 116
Holmes, Sherlock, 107
Humanism, 204
Humor, 104

Book of Jack London, The,
Index, Our Hawaii, 74
Index, White Logic, 141
Iron Heel, The, 242, 245
Irving Stone's Jack London,
Italy, 193

Jack, 134
Jack: A Biography of Jack London,
171, 289
Jack London,
167, 316, 334
Jack London: A Bibliography,
184, 205, 212, 214, 294, 358, 416 (See also Bibliograph WLT2),
Jack London: An American Myth,
269, 299
Jack London--An American Radical?,
Jack London and Conan Doyle: A Literary Kinship, 270
Jack London and His Times--An Unconventional Biography,
Jack London: A Personal Perspective,
Jack London, A Reference Guide, 295
Jack London: A Trilogy, 335
Jack London Birthday Banquet, 102, 163, 216, 217, 218, 282
"Jack London" Broadcast, 227
Jack London Centennial Pieces,
Jack London Clubs, 360
Jack London Collection and Research Center, 24
Jack London Conference, 164
Jack London: Essays in Criticism,
152, 172
Jack London First Editions: Illustrated--A Chronological Reference Guide,
Jack London in Connection with the American Dream, 79
Jack London in Retrospect, 106
Jack London in Sweden: The Diffusion and Influence of His Works, 239
Jack London in the South Seas, 17
Jack London: Leben und Werk eines Rebellen (Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel), 8
Jack London Newsletter,
181, 322, 349, 351, 365
Jack London (on the Centennial of His Birth), 153
Jack London on the Road: The Tramp Diary and other Hobo Writings, 173
"Jack London" poem, 179
Jack London Reports,
51, 296
Jack London Research Center, 335, 340
Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
174, 384
Jack London Square, 130
Jack London
(Starmont Readers Guide 15), 334
Jack London State Historic Park, 44
Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel,
Jack London, the Man, the Writer, the Rebel,
Japan; Japanese, 278-282
Jerry of the Islands,
Jespersen,B.Mosby, 121
Johnson, Bruce N., 122
Johnson, Carolyn, 336
Jorgenson, Jens Peter, 123
Journal of the State of California,

Journeyman Press,1
Juron, Joe, 124

Kardell, Margaret, 125
Kaufman, Alan, 126
Kaye, Frances W., 127
Keene, James R, 312
Kerouac, Jack, 32, 301
King Albert's Book ... ,
Kingman, Russ, 128-130, 293, 340
Kipling, Rudyard, 85, 314
Knowles, Bill, 131
Knox, Alexander, 323
Koenig, Jacqueline, 132-139
Korean, 266, 268
Kraft, Stephanie, 388
Kroll, E. Keith, 140, 141
Kuleshov, Lev Vladimirovich, 326
Kumin, Michael, 142
Kummings, Donald D., 143, 150
Kunchev, Bozhidar, 144
Kuprin, Alexander, 114

Labor, Earle, 75, 145-158, 167, 316, 335, 337, 383, 386
Lacassin, Francis, 159-161, 361
Lachtman, Howard, 154, 162-177
La Giungla e Il Grattacielo: Gil Scrittori e Il Sogno Americano 1865-1920, 387
Lajungle, 385

Lampkin, Loretta, 178
Lampson, Robin, 179-181
L'Appel de la vie
series, 361
Larsen, Wolf, 20, 228
"Law of Life, The," 62, 194, 232
Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race,
Lebanidze, G., 182
Leiber, Fritz, 183 Leipzig, 8
Leitz III, Robert C., 184-186, 337
Lessa, Richard, 187
Letter(s), 39, 76, 89, 148, 182, 249, 252, 300, 308, 337
Letters of Jack London, The,
Lewis, Alfred Henry, 199


All Soviet State Library of Foreign Literature, 381
El Paso Public Library, 291
Henry E. Huntington Library, 92
Oakland Public Library, 24, 116
Riverside City and County Public Library, 59
University of California, Berkeley, 116

Life, 186
Lindsay, Jack, 1
Literaturnia Rossiia (Literary Russia),
27, 110
Littell, Katherine M., 188, 189
Little Lady of the Big House, The,
London, Becky, 181, 331
London, Charmian, 74, 249, 261, 307
London Collector, The,
London, England, 1, 377
London, Joan, 28, 144, 180, 190, 253, 255, 286, 288
London, John, 294
Los Angeles Times,
Lost Face,
Ludlum, Charles, 417
Luebke. Steven R .� 191

Maffi.Mario, 193. 194.387
Magnus. Maurice. 290
Martens. RobertW., 221
Martin Eden.
9, 53. 57. 60, 93. 94, 193.210, 258, 301, 311
"Martin Eden," poem, 414
Martin. Stoddard, 195
Mauberret, Noel. 53
Maugham, W.S .� 90
McClintock. James 1, 141, 168. 196
McDonald, Marie, 192
McMillan. Marilyn, 197
McNeel, Laird, 198
Mehl, Jr . R. F., 199
Memorial, 180, 253, 288
Memories, 28, 331
Messenger, Christian, 200
"Mexican, The," 6, 138
Michael, Brother of Jerry,
Middagh, Winifred M., 201
Miller, Joan London (See London, Joan)
Miner, Madonne M., 202
Mohan, Chandra, 203, 204
Mongrel Mettle, 235
"Monsieur Londre and the Pear Buyer," 11
Monteiro, George, 205-207
Moreland, David A., 208, 209
Morgan, Lee, 386
Morgan,Ricbard, 210
Morrill,Sibley S., 211


Assassination Bureau, The,2
By The Law, 326
Sea Wolf, The, 324, 330
(See also Reviews, Movie and TV)

Murray, Timothy D., 212
Mutiny of the Elsinore, The,

Naso, Anthony J., 213
Naturalism, 54, 69, 109, 210, 315
Ngoc-Pbung, N. T., 55
Nicbol, Jobn W., 214
Nicbolls, Ricbard E., 140, 391
Nicolson, Colin, 215
Nielsen, J. O., 119
Nietsche,Friedrich, 56, 230, 305
Nietschean, 20, 189
No Castles on Main Street: American Authors on Their Homes,
No Mentor But Myself, 272

Norris, Frank, 85
Norton, Daniel, 166
Norton, Margaret, 166
"Nose for the King, A." 268
Noto, Sal, 216-223
Novels, 42, 126, 195, 197, 338
Novels of Jack London: A Reappraisal, The,

O Tahiti,
Oakland, 24, 116, 130, 283
O'Connor, Richard, 298
Orechwa, Olga P., 25, 153, 224, 225
Oriard, Michael, 226
Orwell, George, 227, 267
Ostap, Martine Elizabeth, 228
Our Hawaii, 74

Ownbey, Ray Wilson, 152, 172, 229

Parkay, Forrest Winston, 230
Partington, Blanche, 252
Pasqualini, Francois, 231
PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 135
People of the Abyss, The,
1, 84, 215
Perry, John, 176, 269, 299
Peters, John Gerard, 232
Peterson, Clell T., 233
Philosophy, 41, 56
Philosophy of Style, 319
Pictorial Life of Jack London, A,
"Piece of Steak, A," 96
Plays (See Reviews, Play)
Poem, 179, 265, 414
Polish, 257
Portugal, 45
Powers, Richard, 175, 390
Public, The 207

Racism, 126
Realism, Realist, 13, 14, 203
Recepcja Prozy Amerylamskiej W Polsce Ludowej W Latach, 1945-1965, 225
Recknagel, Dr. Rolf, 8
"Red One, The," 18, 31, 37, 123, 241
Reed, A. Paul, 235
Reed, Dean, 325
Reesman, Jeanne Campbell, 236-238 (See also Campbell, Jeanne)
Rehn, Mats, 239
Reich, Kenneth E., 240
Reprints, 1, 177, 179, 243, 254, 340

Reviews, Book

Alien Worlds of Jack London, The, 183
American Fiction: 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources, 379
American Short Fiction, Readings & Fiction, 380
Call of the Wild by Jack London: A Casebook with Text, Background Sources, Reviews, Critical Essays, and Bibliography, The, 155
Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories, The, 317
Critical Essays on Jack London 333
Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy Fiction, 65
Dzhek London, 26, 36, 381
Fiction of Jack London: A Chronological Bibliography, The, 68, 196
Fragmentos del Futuo, 382
Great Short Works of Jack London, 383
Irving Stone's Jack London, 263
Jack: A Biography of Jack London, 171, 289
Jack London, 167, 316
Jack London: A Bibliography, 294
Jack London: An American Myth, 269, 299
Jack London - An American Radical?, 336
Jack London and Conan Doyle; A Literary Kinship, 270
Jack London and His Times-An Unconventional Biography, 296
Jack London, A Reference Guide, 295
Jack London: A Trilogy, 335
Jack London Centennial Pieces, 105
Jack London: Essays in Criticism, 152, 172
Jack London First Editions: Illustrated - A Chronological Reference Guide, 221
Jack London in Retrospect, 106 Jack London in the South Seas,
Jack London: Leben und Werk eines Rebellen (Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel), 8
Jack London (on the Centennial of His Birth), 153
Jack London on the Road: The Tramp Diary and other Hobo Writings, 173
Jack London Reports, 51, 296
Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 174, 384
Jack London Starmont Readers Guide 15),
Jack London, the Man, the Writer, the Rebel, 271
La Giungla e Il Grattacielo: Gil Scrittori e Sogno Americano 1865-1920, 387
Lajungle, 385
Letters of Jack London, The, 337
London Collector, The, 389
Mandala, 386
No Castles on Main Street: American Authors on Their Homes, 388
No Mentor But Myself, 72
Novels of Jack London: A Reappraisal, The, 338
People of the Abyss, The, 1
Pictorial Life of Jack London, A, 293
Road, The, 254
Science Fiction of Jack London, The,
Search for Jack London, A, 378
Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work, 306
Sporting Blood: Selections from Jack London's Greatest Sports Writings, 154
Thirteen Tales of Terror,
Tools of My Trade: Annotated Books in Jack London's Library, The, 339
Unabridged Jack London, The 140, 391
War, 340
White Logic, 168
Wonder of Woman, 177

Reviews, Movie and TV

Call of the Wild, The, (fi1m), 132, 133; (TV) 137

Fighter, The, (fi1m), 138
Jack London: A Personal Perspective, (TV), 135
Sea Wolf, The, (fi1m), 323, 32
To Build a Fire, (TV), 377
Wolf Larsen, (fi1m), 341

Reviews, Plays

Daughters of the Rich,
170 Dear Comrades,
First Poet, The, 98
Gold: A Play in Three Acts, 169

Reviews of Jack London's work: List of, 185, 186, 197, 207
Riber, Jorgen, 241
Road, The,
191, 254
Roberts, Dorothy H., 242
Roosevelt, Theodore, 82
Russia, 25, 27,110, 114, 153, 182, 326 (See also Soviet Union)

Sailor on Horseback,
Sandburg, Charles A., 243
Schlottman, David Henry, 105, 244
Science fiction, 175, 275, 390
Science Fiction of Jack London, The,
175, 390
Scorn of Women,
Search for Jack London, A,
77, 378
35, 67, 70, 109, 187, 202, 222, 228, 230, 277, 305, 324, 327, 330
Seed, D., 245
Shakespeare, William, 62
Shepard,I. Milo, 337
Shepard, Irving, 51, 157, 296
Sherko, Arthur, 246
Sherman, Joan, 295
Short stories; works, 58, 97, 380,
382,383 Shuyan,Li, 247
Silet, Charles L. P., 248, 249
Silet, Sharon Sperry, 249
Sinclair,Andrew, 171, 250, 289, 317
Sinclair, Upton, 3, 5, 161, 248, 249, 257, 385
Sisson, James E., 68, 151, 196, 221, 251-255
Smoke Bellew, 107
Snark, 208

Socialism, 79, 210, 242
Socialist, 117, 188, 189
Solensten, John, 256
Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work, 306 "Some Monstrous Worm," 22
Son of the Wolf, The, 100, 198
Sonoma State University, 134
Sorgenstein, Samuel, 27, 144, 182, 257
Sotheby Parke Bernet, 118
South Sea fiction, 209
Soviet Union, 25, 111-113, 115, 224, 381 (See also Russia. Russian)
Spangler, George M., 258
Spanish, 382
Spanish American, 58
Spectrum, 260
Spencer, Herbert, 127, 213, 319
Spinner, Jonathan H., 259
Sport, 240
Sporting Blood: Selections from Jack London's Greatest Sports Writings, 154
Sports fiction, 226
Stanford University, 179, 223, 392
Starr, Kevin, 162
Star Rover, The
, 266, 308, 318, 320, 321, 415, 417
Stasz, Clarice, 261-263
Sterling, George, 15, 89, 98, 99
St. John, Jeffrey, 260
Stone, Irving, 148, 263
Strang, Adam, 266
"Stranger Than Fiction," 110
Strunsky, Anna, 124
Stuart, Jesse, 235
Sweden, 239
Sweeney, Ben, 264, 265, 348
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 311
Szkup, Jerzy, 225

Tambling, Victor R. S., 266-273
Tass Journal, 117

Tauzer, Brook, 106
Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline, 274-276, 333 (See also Courbin, Jacqueline)
Teacher, Lawrence, 140, 391
Thesis, 19, 213
Thirteen Tales of Terror, 176

Thornton, John, 132, 133
"Thousand Deaths, A " 66
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 230
Tintner, Adeline R., 277
"To Build a Fire," 33, 69, 377
Tomorrow, 243
Tools of My Trade: Annotated Books in Jack London's Library, The, 339

"To the Man on Trail," 156
Translated, 25, 27, 55, 110, 114, 119, 121, 144, 153, 159, 160, 161, 182, 257, 343, 357, 370, 382
Tribune, A Labour Weekly
, 342
Tschomakoff, Peter, 144
Tsujii, Eiji, 278�283
TV Reviews (See Reviews, Movie and TV)
Tweney, George H., 284-286, 294
20th Century Fox, 133

Unabridged Jack London, The, 140, 391
"Unexpected, The," 326
United Artists, 138
U. S. Senate, 288
University of California, Berkeley, 139, 211
University of the Pacific, 164, 234
Upton, Ann, 287

Van Der Beets, Richard, 380
Van Weyden, Humphrey, 228
Vietnamese, 55

Walker, Dale L., 68, 128, 129, 165, 174, 183, 196, 270, 272, 289-300, 384
Walsh, Joy, 301
"War," 108, 340, 412
Ward, Susan, 302, 303
Ware, Elaine, 304
Warner Brothers, 323, 327
Watson, Jr., Charles N., 305-307
"Way of War, The," poem, 265
Webb, Donald A., 308
Weiderman, Richard, 105, 309, 310, 389
Weitzel, RoyL., 311
Westbrook, Wayne W., 312
"When God Laughs," 50
White Fang, 49, 86, 146, 315, 317
White Logic, 141, 168

"Wife of a King, The," 276
Wilcox, Earl, 155, 313-317
Williams, James, 318-321
Williams, Tony, 322-341
Willingham. John R., 386
Wilson, Pamela, 57
Winnick, David, 342
Wirzberger, Karl-Heinz, 343
WLT2*, 395-411 (See also Jack London: A Bibliography)

Wolf House, 73
Wolf Larsen, 341 (See also Larsen, Wolf)
Woman, 177, 199
Womb of Time: Archetypal Patterns in the Novels of Jack London, The, 42

Women, 302, 310
Wonder of Woman, 177

Woodbridge, Annie, 159, 161
Woodbridge, Hensley C., 144, 159, 160, 239, 294, 308, 322, 344
Woodbridge, Ruby Susan, 343
Woodress, James, 379
Woodward, Robert W., 412-417


Zamen, Mark E., 418 Zverev, A. M., 153

*Woodbridge, Hensley C., John London, George H. Tweney. Jack London: A Bibliography) 2nd ed., Millwood, N.Y., Krauss Thomson Organization, Ltd.,

Copyright © 1996 by Jo Anne Sharpe

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