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Jo Anne Sharpe
Jack London Newsletter Index
Compiled by Jo Anne Sharpe
Copyright © 1996 by Jo Anne Sharpe
  1. Ahearn, Marie L. Review of The People of the Abyss, by Jack London. 1903. Reprint, with an introduction by Jack Lindsay. London: Journeyman Press, 1977. 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 162-163.
  2. Allan, Edward. "The Assassination Bureau Filmed." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 32-33.
  3. __ . "Jack London and Upton Sinclair." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 2227.
  4. __ . "More on the Movie Version of The Assassination Bureau." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 70.
  5. __ . "Upton Sinclair on Jack London in 1963." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 77-78.
  6. Bain, ill, Joe S. "Interchapter: Jack London's The Mexican.'" 15 (Sept-Dec. 1982): 115-118.
  7. Baskett, Sam S. "Introductory Remarlcs." Seventeenth Annual Conference of the College English Association, 10-12 April 1986. 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986):90.
  8. Beilke, MarIan. "London in Leipzig." Review of Jack London: Leben und Werk eines Rebellen (Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel), by Dr. Rolf Recknagel. 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 114-117.
  9. Bennett, Kenneth I. "Jack London's Martin Eden: Fire and Water." 17 (Jan.-Apr. 1984): 11-17.
  10. __ . "Julio Cortazar and Jack London." 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1985): 4748.
  11. Berry, Jeff. "Monsieur Londre and the Pearl Buyer." 0 Tahiti, September 1972. 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 13-22.
  12. Besant, Larry X. "Jack London and Luther Burbank: Friends and Neighbors?" 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 66-73.
  13. Blackman, Jr., Gordon N. "Jack London: Visionary Realist." 13 (Sept-Dec. 1980): 82-95.
  14. __ . "Jack London: Visionary Realist - Part n." 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 1-12.
  15. Bouwman, Fred. "George Sterling and Jack London: A Literary Friendship." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 108-110.
  16. Brazil, John. "Politics and Art: The Integrated Sensibility of Jack London." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 1-11.
  17. Brewster, Jim. Review of Jack London in the South Seas, by A. Grove Day. 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 41-44.
  18. Brown, Ellen. "A Perfect Sphere: Jack London's 'The Red One.''' 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 81-85.
  19. Bubka, Tony. "Introduction, Review of Literature, Summary and Conclusions as Well as the Section: Death, Cremation and Burial From A Jack London Bibliography .. ." M.A. thesis. 2 (Jan.-Apr. 1969): 26-42.
  20. Bukoski, Anthony. "Jack London's Wolf Larsen: Nietzschean Super Man at All? 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 109-110.
  21. Burstein, Harold M. "Bibliographical Assistance Solicited." 8 (Jan.Apr. 1975): 20-21.
  22. Burton, Lou. "'Some Monstrous Worm.''' 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 117-121.
  23. Bush, Glen P. "The Pastoral and the Violent: Jack London's Literary Dialectic." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 52-57.
  24. Buxton, Frances. "Jack London Collection and Research Center, Oakland Public Library, 125 14th Street." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 37-40.
  25. Bykov, Vil. "The Centennial of Jack London's Birth in the Soviet Union." Translated from the Russian by Olga Orechwa. 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 7-10.
  26. __ . "A Comment on Vera Colin's Review of Bykov's Dzhek London." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 35-36.
  27. __ . "Memorable Dates. New Facts About Jack London." Literaturnia Rossiia (Literary Russia),No.3 (419), 15 January 1971. Translated from the Russian by Samuel Sorgenstein. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 47-48.
  28. __ . "Memories AboutJoan London." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 9-10.
  29. __ . "A Reply to the Hoffmeister Review." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 25.
  30. __ . "The Traditions of Jack London." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 62-66.
  31. Campbell, Jeanne. "Falling Stars: Myth in The Red One.''' 11 (MayDec. 1978): 86-96.
  32. Chessey, Bob. "Jack London's Influence on the Life-Style of Jack Kerouac." 15 (Sept.-Dec. 1982): 158-165.
  33. Clasby, Nancy. "Jack London's 'To Build a Fire' - A Mythic Reading." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 48-51.
  34. Clayton, Lawrence. "The Ghost Dog, a Motif in The Call of the Wild." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 158.
  35. __ . "The Sea-Wolf. London's Commedia." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 50-54.
  36. Colin, Vera. Review of Dzhek London, by Vil Bykov. 2 (Sept -Dec. 1969): 105-113.
  37. Collins, Billy G. "Jack London's 'The Red One': Journey to a Lost Heart." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 1-6.
  38. Conlon, Stephen. "Jack London and the Working Class." 17 (Sept-Dec. 1984): 79-91.
  39. Cook, George. "London's Bookman Letters." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 81-87.
  40. __ . "Meeting Jack London's Bishop." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 4243.
  41. Cooper, James Glennon. "The Summit and The Abyss: Jack London's Moral Philosophy." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 24-27.
  42. __ . "The Womb of Time: Archetypal Patterns in the Novels of Jack London - Excerpt." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 12-23; Excerpts." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 1-5; Excerpts from Chapter II: The Hero.'" Ph.D. dissertation. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 16-28.
  43. Courbin, Jacqueline M. "Jack London's Portrayal of the Natives in His First Four Collections of Arctic Tales." 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 127-137.
  44. Culwell, R Hunter. "Jack London Real Estate in Public Domain (Birth of Jack London State Historic Park)." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 68-75.
  45. Daghlian, Carlos. "Jack London in Brazil and Portugal." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 22-27.
  46. Davis, William H. L. "My Visit to Jack London." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 58-65.
  47. Dean, Paul. "Curator of the Legend of Jack London: Call of the Wild Writer." Los Angeles Times, 13 February 1980. 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 22-26.
  48. DeGruson, Gene. "Jack London and E. Haldeman-Julius." 3 (Jan.Apr. 1970): 1-7.
  49. DeVore, Lynn. "The Descent of White Fang." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 122-126.
  50. Dhondt. Steven T. "Jack London's When God Laughs: Overman, Underdog and Satire." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 51-57.
  51. __ . Review of Jack London Reports. Edited by King Hendricks and Irving Shepard. 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 108-110.
  52. __ . "'There is a Good Time Coming': Jack London's Spirit of Proletarian Revolt." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 25-34.
  53. DiMiceli, Caroline, and Noel Mauberret. "Exchange, Gift and Death in Jack London's Martin Eden." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 31-35.
  54. Dodson, Mary Kay. "Naturalism in the Works of Jack London." 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 130-139.
  55. Duc, Do Duc. "Jack London's Dream at the Turn of the Century." Translated from the Vietnamese by N. T. Ngoc-Phuong. 6 (Sept.Dec. 1973): 133-.145.
  56. Dunford, Michael. "Further Notes on Jack London's Introduction to the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche." 10 (Jan.-Ape. 1977): 3942.
  57. Dunn, N. E., and Pamela Wilson. "The Significance of Upward Mobility in Martin Eden." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 1-8.
  58. Echevarria, E. A. "Jack London and the Spanish American Regional Short Story." 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 57-61.
  59. Ellis, Harold D. "Exhibit of Jack London Material at the Riverside (Calif.) City and County Public Library." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 28.
  60. Erbentraut, Edwin B. "The Intellectual Undertow in Martin Eden." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 12-24.
  61. __ . "JackLondon,D.Litt" 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 159-163.
  62. __ . "Jack London, William Shakespeare, and The Law of Life.''' 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 138-141.
  63. __ . "The Key to Complexity: Jack London and the Theory of Complementarity." 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 119-122.
  64. __ . "The Protean Imperative." 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 153-157.
  65. __ . "The Symbolic Triad in London's The Little Lady of the Big House." 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 82-89.
  66. __ . '''A Thousand Deaths': Hyperbolic Anger." 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 125-129.
  67. __ . "'What's It All About?': A Transilient Event in The SeaWolf." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 136-138.
  68. Pick, Alvin S. "Warning: Can be Addictive." Review of The Fiction of Jack London, by Dale L. Walker and James E. Sisson III. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 124-125.
  69. Findley, Sue. "Naturalism in 'To Build a Fire.'" 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 45-48.
  70. Fischler, Lee Lawrence. "The Unreliable Narrator in London's The Sea-Wolf." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 28-34.
  71. Flink, Andrew. "Call of the Wild--Jack London's Catharsis." 11 (Jan.Apr. 1978): 12-19.
  72. __ . "Call of the Wild--Parental Metaphor." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 58-61.
  73. __ . "The Three Faces of the Wolf House." 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 151-155.
  74. __ . compo "Index to Our Hawaii," by Charmian London (1917). 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1985): 1-35.
  75. Forrey, Robert "Labor's Love Lost" 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 48-51.
  76. __ . "An Open Letter." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 100-101.
  77. Freeman, A. W. "Notes On A Search for Jack London." 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 107-108.
  78. Frey, Charles. "Contradiction in The Call of the Wild." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 35-37.
  79. Fujiwara, Sakae. "Jack London's Socialism: A Summary of One Chapter from Jack London in Connection With the American Dream." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 73-81.
  80. Gatti, Susan Irvin. "Jack London on Boxing: The Manly Art of Making It." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 77-85.
  81. Gershenowitz, Harry. "Jack London, Quasi-Neo-Lamarckian." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 99-101.
  82. __ . "The Natmal History Controversy Between Theodore Roosevelt and Jack London: A Life Scientist's View." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 80-82.
  83. __ . "Richard Harding Davis and Jack London: An Ambivalent Relationship." 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 55-57.
  84. Giles, James R. "Jack London 'down and out' in England: The Relevance of the Sociological Study People of the Abyss to London's Fiction." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 79-83.
  85. __ . "Some Notes on the Red-Blooded Reading of Kipling by Jack London and Frank Norris." 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 56-62.
  86. __ . "Thematic Significance of the Jim Hall Episode in White Fang," 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 49-50.
  87. Glancy, Donald R. '''Anything to Help Anybody': The Authorship of Daughters of the Rich." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 19-26.
  88. Gower, Ronald "The Creative Conflict Struggle and Escape in Jack London's Fiction." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 118-119; 4 (May-Aug. 1971): 77-114.
  89. Gross, Dalton. "Seventeen George Sterling Letters Selected and Edited." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 41-61.
  90. Haire, David B., and Dennis E. Hensley. "A Comparative Look at W. S. Maugham and Jack London." 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 114-118.
  91. Hamby, James A. "Note on Jack London: A View in Oil." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 102-103.
  92. Hamilton, David Mike. "Fifty- Three Years of Jack London at the Huntington." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 56-60.
  93. __ . "The Tauchnitz Martin Eden." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 42-43.
  94. Haney, William. "Martin Eden: The Failure of Individualism." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 38-41.
  95. Harty, Kevin J. "Dissertations on Jack London, 1936-1987: Evidence for Canonicity." 20 (May-Dec. 1987): 58-62.
  96. Hatchel. Linda. "Animal Imagery in London's 'A Piece of Steak.'" 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 119-121.
  97. Hattenhauer, Darryl. "The Shadow in Three Short Stories by Jack London." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 74-76.
  98. Henry, James L. "The First Poet: Jack London or George Sterling?" Play. 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 60-65.
  99. __ . "Give A Man A Boat He Can Sail." (George Sterling letters) 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 23-29.
  100. __ . "A Proposed Chronology of Editions of The Son of the Wolf." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 8-11.
  101. __ . "The Toast: A Turn-of-the-Century Fad." 11 (Jan.-Apr. 1978): 29-30.
  102. Hensley, Dennis E. "Jack London Centennial Banquet." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 153-155.
  103. __ . "Jack London Speaks About Writing." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 43-47.
  104. __ . "A Note on Jack London's Use of Black Humor." 8 (Sept.Dec. 1975): 110-113.
  105. __ . Review of Jack London Centennial Pieces. Edited by Richard Weiderman and David H. Schlottman. 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 139-140.
  106. __ . Review of Jack London in Retrospect, by Brook Tauzer. 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 102-103.
  107. __ . "Sherlock Holmes and Smoke Bellew." 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 129-132.
  108. __ . "'War': Jack London's The Red and the Black." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 73-77.
  109. Hindman, Kathleen B. "Jack London's The Sea-Wolf". Naturalism With a Spiritual Bent" 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 99-110.
  110. Hoffmeister, Charles Christian. "Introduction to Bykov's Russian Translation of 'Stranger Than Fiction.'" Literatumia Rossiia, December 17, 1971. Translated from the Russian by Charles Hoffmeister. 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 24.
  111. __ . "Recent Soviet Attention to Jack London - I" 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 23.
  112. __ . "Recent Soviet Attention to Jack London - II." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 57-59.
  113. __ . "Recent Soviet Attention to Jack London - III." 6 (Sept.Dec. 1973): 131-132.
  114. __ . "A Short Note on Alexander Kuprin and Jack London." Translated from the Russian and introduced by Charles Christian Hoffmeister. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 135-138.
  115. __ . "A Soviet View of Eugene Debs." 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 179183.
  116. Hoffmeister, Karl-Christian. "Brief Commentary on the London Collections of the Oakland Public and DC (Berkeley) Libraries." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 62-64.
  117. "The Inspiration of Jack London, Man of Adventure, Writer of Genius, Militant Socialist." The Draughtsman (continued by Tass Journal). N.p., January 1956. 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 34-41.
  118. "Jack London in the Sotheby Parke Bernet (Los Angeles) Auction of October 21,1973." 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 161-162.
  119. "Jack London--Lone Wolf and Social Critic." Translated from the Danish by J. O. Nielsen. 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 107-109.
  120. "Jack London on King Albert of Belgium." King Albert's Book ... 1914, p. 122. 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 21.
  121. Jespersen, B. Mosby. "Fifty Years Since Jack London Died." Translated from the Danish by Henry A. Clausen. 2 (Jan.-Apr. 1969): 1-4.
  122. Johnson, Bruce N. "Ftrst Annual East Coast Meeting." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 109.
  123. Jorgenson, Jens Peter. "Jack London's 'The Red One': A Freudian Approach." 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 101-103.
  124. Joron, Joe. "Jack London and Anna Strunsky." 17 (Sept-Dec. 1984): 95-100.
  125. Kardell, Margaret M. "Jack London's The Acorn Planter." 9 (Sept-.Dec. 1976): 143-148.
  126. Kaufman, Alan. "We're Saxons ... and Not Dagoes': The Role of Racism in Jack London's Late Novels." 16 (Sept-Dec. 1983): 96103.
  127. Kaye, Frances W. "Jack London's Modification of Herbert Spencer." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 67-72.
  128. Kingman, Russ. "Jack London Works by Dale L. Walker." 13 (Sept-Dec. 1980): 78-81.
  129. __ . '''Keeper of the Flame' - A Mini-Biography of Dale L. Walker." 13 (Sept.-Dec. 1980): 75-77.
  130. __ . "London's Yukon Cabin Now at Jack London Square in Oakland, California" 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 104-107.
  131. Knowles, Bill. "How and Why I Became Interested in Jack London." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 83-84.
  132. Koenig, Jacqueline. "Charlton Heston's John Thornton." Review of The Call of the Wild (multi-national combine movie), 1975. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 157-158.
  133. __ . "Clark Gable's John Thornton." Review of The Call of the Wild (20th Century Fox movie), 1935. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 159-161.
  134. __ . "Jack!" Review of play as performed by Theatre Arts students, Sonoma (Calif.) State University, April 1979. 14 (Sept.Dec. 1981): 116-118.
  135. __ . "Jack London, With William Devane." Review of Jack London: A Personal Perspective (PBS televised docudrama), January, 1982. 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 49-52.
  136. __ . "Jack London's The Call of the Wild." 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 127-129.
  137. __ . Review of televised production '''CBS Library . . . Children." (The Call of the Wild was one of three books introduced on show, 4 March 1980.) 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 37-38.
  138. __ . Review of The Fighter, based on "The Mexican" (United Artists movie), 1952. 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 97-98.
  139. __ . "UC, Berkeley, Celebrates Jack London." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 29-30.
  140. Kroll, E. Keith. Review of The Unabridged Jack London. Edited by Lawrence Teacher and Richard E. Nicholls. 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 85.
  141. __ . comp. "Index to James I. McOintock's White Logic." 19 (May-Aug. 1986): 47-54.
  142. Kumin, Michael. "The Call of the Wild: .London's Seven Stages of Allegory." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 86-98.
  143. Kummings, Donald D. "London and the American Tradition in Literature." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 105-107.
  144. Kunchev, Bozhidar. "Worthy of the Name of a Great Writer: My Correspondence With Joan London." Translated from the Bulgarian by Peter Tschomakoff and Samuel Sorgenstein and edited by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 38-39; 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 141-142.
  145. Labor, Earle. "Jack London in Denmark." 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 95100.
  146. __ . "Jack London's Mondo Cane: The Call of the Wild and White Fang." 1 (July~Dec. 1967): 2-13.
  147. __ . "The Making of a Major Author: Jack London and the Politics of Literary Reputation." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 100-104.
  148. __ . "An Open Letter to Irving Stone." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 114116.
  149. __ . "Portrait of the Artist as Professional." 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 93-98.
  150. __ . "Responses to Donald Kummings' Questions." 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986): 108.
  151. __ . Review of "Herbert Heron and Jack London, Gold: A Play in Three Acts." Manuscript preparation by James E. Sisson. 5 (Sept.Dec. 1972): 169-171.
  152. __ . Review of Jack London: Essays in Criticism. Edited by Ray Wilson Ownbey. 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 74-76.
  153. __ . Review of Jack London (on the Centennial of His Birth), by A. M. Zverev. Translated from the Russian and edited by Olga Orechwa. 13 (Sept.-Dec. 1980): 105-107.
  154. __ . Review of Sporting Blood: Selections from Jack London's Greatest Sports Writings. Edited by Howard Lachtman. 15 (May Aug. 1982): 100-102.
  155. __ . Review of The Call of the Wild by Jack London: A Casebook with Text, Background Sources, Reviews, Critical Essays, and Bibliography. Compiled and with introduction by Earl J. Wilcox. 14 (Sept-Dec. 1981): 119-121.
  156. __ . "'To the Man on Trail': Jack London's Christmas Carol." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 90-94.
  157. __ . "A Tribute to Irving Shepard, 1899-1975." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 61-63.
  158. __ . "A Tribute to King Hendricks (1900-1970)." 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 41.
  159. Lacassin, Francis. "A Classic of the Revolt" Translated from the French by Annie Woodbridge with notes by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 71-78.
  160. __ . "Jack London Between the Challenge of the Supernatural and the Last Judgment" Translated from the French by Jack Hockett, with notes by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 59-65.
  161. __ . "Upton Sinclair and Jack London: A Great Friendship ... by Correspondence." Translated from the French by Annie Woodbridge. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 1-7.
  162. Lachtman, Howard. "The Curious Case of Kevin Starr, Critic." 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 154-160.
  163. __ . "Jack London Centennial Birthday Banquet." 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 149-152.
  164. __ . "Jack London Conference at the University of the Pacific (Stockton, California: March 23, 2024)." 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 9699.
  165. __ . "Jack London in Orbit A Review of Dale Walker's Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy Fiction." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 29-32.
  166. __ . "Jack London on Stage: A Review of Dear Comrades." Play by Margaret and Daniel Norton, as performed in Sonoma (Calif.) 1966. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 129-134.
  167. __ . "Labor's Love, A Review of Earle Labor's Jack London." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 111-116.
  168. __ . "Master Craftsman and Master Critic: A Review of James McClintock's White Logic." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 66-70.
  169. __ . Review of "All That Glitters: Jack London's Gold." 5 (Sept Dec. 1972): 172-178.
  170. __ . Review of "Daughters of the Rich: A New Jack London Play." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 11-15.
  171. __ . Review of Jack: A Biography of Jack London, by Andrew Sinclair. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 171-172.
  172. __ . Review of Jack London: Essays in Criticism. Edited by Ray Wilson Ownbey. 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 58-59.
  173. __ . Review of Jack London on the Road: The Tramp Diary and Other Hobo Writings. Edited by Richard W. Etulian. 14 (Jan.Apr. 1981): 40-41.
  174. __ . Review of Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by Dale L. Walker. 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 79-81.
  175. __ . Review of The Science Fiction of Jack London. Edited by Richard Powers. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 71-72.
  176. __ . Review of Thirteen Tales of Terror. Edited and with an introduction by John Perry. 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 42-44.
  177. __ . Review of Wonder of Woman, by Jack London. 1912. Reprint Grand Rapids, MI: Wolf House Books, 1976. 9 (Jan.Apr. 1976): 8-9.
  178. Lampkin, Loretta M. "Jack London and the Reluctant Reader-AnotherDimension." 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 146-150.
  179. Lampson, Robin. "Jack: London." Poem reprinted from The Stanford Cardinal, February 1921. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 56.
  180. __ . "Remarks at the Memorial Service for Joan London in Berkeley, California, January 21, 1971." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 33-36.
  181. Lampson, Robin, and Bess London Fleming. "Further Notes on Jack London Newsletter, Volume 2, pp. 42-43 (Jan-Apr. 1969);" 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 123.
  182. Lebanidze, G. "Researches and Findings. A Letter from Jack London." Pravda, 14 October 1970, p. 6. Translated from the Russian by Samuel Sorgenstein. 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 99-100.
  183. Leiber, Fritz. Review of The Alien Worlds of Jack London, by Dale L. Walker. 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 151-153.
  184. Leitz, Robert C. "Additions to the London Bibliography." 9 (Jan.Apr. 1976): 15.
  185. __ . "Jack London in 'Rhymed Reviews' and 'Impudent Interviews.'" 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 122-128.
  186. __ . "London in Life: An Annotated Checklist." Reviews of works by Jack London. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 10-14.
  187. Lessa, Richard. "Character and Perception in The Sea Wolf." 15 (Sept-Dec. 1982): 119-127.
  188. Littell, Katherine M. "Jack London Through the Socialist Looking Glass." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 23-28.
  189. __ . "The 'Nietzschean' and the Individualist in Jack London's Socialist Writings." 15 (May-Aug. 1982): 76-91.
  190. London, Joan. "A Tribute to My Father." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 94-95.
  191. Luebke, Steven R. "The Roadas Autobiography." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 99-105.
  192. McDonald, Marie. "On Rereading Jack London." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 37-39.
  193. Maffi, Mario. "Jack London in Italy: On Some Recent Editions of Martin Eden." 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 12-19.
  194. __ . "'The Law of Life': Jack London and the Dialectic of Nature." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 42-45.
  195. Martin, Stoddard. "The Novels of Jack London." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 48-71.
  196. McClintock, James 1. "A Review of The Fiction of Jack London: A Chronological Bibliography," by Dale L. Walker and James E. Sisson III. 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 164-168.
  197. McMillan. Marilyn, camp. "Unrecorded Contemporary Reviews of London's Novels." 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 14-17.
  198. McNeel, Laird. "More on The Son of the Wolf" 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 135-136.
  199. Mehl, Jr., R F. "Jack London, Alfred Henry Lewis, and Primitive Woman." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 66-70.
  200. Messenger, Christian. "Jack London and Boxing in The Game." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 67-72.
  201. Middagh, Winifred M. "Jack London, Sailor on Horseback: Biography or Fiction?" 15 (Sept.-Dec. 1982): 132-157.
  202. Miner, Madonne M. ''It will be the [un]making of you.' Manhood Besieged in Jack London's The Sea- Wolf" 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 106-116.
  203. Mohan, Chandra. "Jack London's Art: His Critical Realism." 9 (SeptDec. 1976): 130-135.
  204. __ . "Jack London's Humanism." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 40-49.
  205. Monteiro, George. "Jack London: Additions to the Bibliography." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 78-79.
  206. __ . "Jack London: An Unrecorded Parody." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 65-66.
  207. __ . "Jack London in The Public." List of reviews of books by Jack London (from 1905-1916). 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 61-62.
  208. Moreland, David A. The Author as Hero: Jack London's The Cruise of the Snark. 14 (Sept.-Dec. 1981): 86-104; 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 57-75.
  209. __ . "Violence in the South Sea Fiction of Jack London." 16 (Jan.-Apr. 1983): 1-35.
  210. Morgan, Richard. "Naturalism. Socialism and Jack London's Martin Eden." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 13-22.
  211. Morrill, Sibley S. "Jack London: UC Rebel of '96." East Bay Magazine, December 1966. 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 100-106.
  212. Murray, Timothy D. "An Addendum to the Jack London Bibliography." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 90.
  213. Naso, Anthony J. "Jack London and Herbert Spencer." M.A. thesis. 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 13-34.
  214. Nichol, John W., compo "Jack London: A Bibliography, Addenda I." 2 (Sept-Dec. 1969): 84-87.
  215. Nicolson, Colin. "Jack London's The People of the Abyss." 17 (Jan.-Apr. 1984): 18-27.
  216. Noto, Sat. "Banquet Time Again--Happy 10Ist!" 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 11-12.
  217. __ . "'A Curious Fragment': A Brief Talk on Collecting First Editions. Delivered at the Jack London Centennial Birthday Banquet, January 12, 1976." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 39-41.
  218. __ . "Happy Birthday, Jack." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 15-18.
  219. __ . "Jack London as Social Critic." 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 145150.
  220. __ . "Jack London, Burlesque, and the 'Big Apple.'" 16 (Jan.Apr. 1983): 41-44.
  221. __ . Review of Jack London First Editions: Illustrated - A Chronological Reference Guide. Compiled by James E. Sisson III and Robert W. Martens. 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 60-62.
  222. __ . "The Sea Wolf. VA Myth Dispelled--Some First Issue Hairsplitting Over Jack London's Most Famous Sea Narrative." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 53-56.
  223. __ , comp. "Jack London Inscriptions at Stanford University." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 145-148.
  224. Orechwa, Olga P. "Recent Soviet Publications Commemorating the Centennial of Jack London's Birth." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 78-80.
  225. __ . Review of Jerzy Szkup, Recepcja Prozy Amerykanskiej W Polsce Ludowej W Latach 1945-1965. 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 6-7.
  226. Oriard, Michael. "Jack London: The Father of American Sports Fiction." 11 (Jan.-Apr. 1978): 1-11.
  227. Orwell, George. "Forces Educational Broadcast 'Jack London.'" 11 May-Dec. 1978): 33-40.
  228. Ostap, Martine Elizabeth. "Jack London's The Sea-Wolf. A Critical Analysis of Wolf Larsen and Humphrey Van Weyden." 15 (Sept-.Dec. 1982): 109-114.
  229. Ownbey, Ray. "Teaching Jack London." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 110111.
  230. Parkay, Forrest Winston. "The Influence of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, on London's The Sea-Wolf." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 16-24.
  231. Pasqualini, Francois. "Jack London Blazed My Trail." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 36-38.
  232. Peters, John Gerard. "Nihilism in The Law ofUfe.'" 17 (Sept-Dec. 1984): 92-94.
  233. Peterson, Clell T. "London and Lorenz: A Brief note on Men and Dogs." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 46-49.
  234. "Rare Jack London Collection Presented to UOP." University of the Pacific (Calif.) Publicity Release. N.d. 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 156157.
  235. Reed, A. Paul. "Running With the Pack: Jack London's The Call of the Wild and Jesse Stuart's Mongrel Mettle." 18 (Sept.-Dec. 1985): 96-99.
  236. Reesman, Jeanne Campbell. "Jack London--Kama'aina." 18 (Sept.Dec. 1985): 71-76.
  237. __ . "Jack London's Popular and Political Masks." 20 (May-Dec. 1987): 63-71.
  238. __ . "Knowledge and Identity in Jack London's Hawaiian Fiction." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 91-95.
  239. Rehn, Mats. "Jack London i Sverige: Studier i marknadsforing och litterart inflytande (Jack London in Sweden: The Diffusion and Influence of His Works)." PhD. dissertation, University of Stockholm, 1974. Commented upon by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 52-53.
  240. Reich, Kenneth E. "Sport in Literature: The Passion of Action." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 50-62.
  241. Riber, Jurgen. "Archetypal Patterns in The Red One.''' 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 104-106.
  242. Roberts, Dorothy H. "The Iron Heel: Socialism, Struggle, and Structure." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 64-66.
  243. Sandburg, Charles A. "Jack London: A Common Man." Reprint Tomorrow, 2,4: 35-39, April 1906. 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 14-18.
  244. Schlottman, David Henry. "To Build Yet Another Fire." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 11-14.
  245. Seed, D. "The Apocalyptic Structure of Jack London's The Iron Heel." 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 1-11.
  246. Sherko, Arthur. "An Analogue for Lost Face." 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 95-98.
  247. Shuyan, Li. "Jack London in China." 19 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 42-46.
  248. Silet, Charles L. P., ed. "Upton Sinclair to Jack London: A Literary Friendship." Introduction by Charles L. P. Silet. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 49-76.
  249. Silet, Charles L. P., and Sharon Sperry Silet, eds .. "Charmian London to Upton Sinclair: Selected Letters." Introduction by Charles L. P. Silet and Sharon Sperry Silet. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 25-46.
  250. Sinclair, Andrew. "A View of The Abyss." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 8695.
  251. Sisson, James E. "Jack London and the Daughters of the Rich." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 27-32.
  252. __ . "A Letter from Jack London to Miss Blanche Partington, Written April 9 1913." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 77-97.
  253. __ . "A Memorial to Joan London." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 1-5.
  254. __ . Review of The Road. 1907. Reprint, with an introduction by King Hendricks. Santa Barbara: Peregrine Publishing, Inc., 1970. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 49-52.
  255. __ , comp. "A Chronological Bibliography of Writings by Joan London." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 6-8.
  256. Solensten, John. "Richard Harding Davis' Rejection of The Call of the Wild." 4 (May-Aug. 1971): 122-123.
  257. Sorgenstein, Samuel, trans. "The Truth About Jack London: Reminiscences of Upton Sinclair." Translated from the Polish Wiadomosci Literackie, 30 August 1925. 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 79-80.
  258. Spangler, George M. "Divided Self and World in Martin Eden." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 118-126.
  259. Spinner, Jonathan H. "A Syllabus for the 20th Century: Jack London's The Call of the Wild." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 73-78.
  260. St. John, Jeffrey. "From the C.B.S. News Opinion Series, Spectrum." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 26-27.
  261. Stasz, Clarice. "Charmian London as a Writer." 11 (Jan.-Apr. 1978): 20-28.
  262. __ . "London and Eucalyptus: Not a Folly." 19 (May-Aug. 1986): 69-77.
  263. __ . Review of Irving Stone's Jack London, by Irving Stone. 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 164-168.
  264. Sweeney, Ben. "Jack London's Noble Lady." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 111-122.
  265. __ . "London's The Way of War': When? Where? Why?" Poem. 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 9-13.
  266. Tambling, Victor R. S. "Adam Strang in Cho-Sen: The Korean Episode in The Star Rover." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 1-36.
  267. __ . "Following in the Footsteps of Jack London: George Orwell, Writer and Critic." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 63-70.
  268. __ . "'A Nose for the King': Jack London's Version of a Korean Folk Story." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 72-79.
  269. __ . Review of Jack London: An American Myth, by John Perry. 15 (May-Aug. 1982): 97-99.
  270. __ . Review of Jack London and Conan Doyle: A Literary Kinship, by Dale L. Walker. 14 (Sept.-Dec. 1981): 113-115.
  271. __ . Review of Jack London, the Man, the Writer, the Rebel, by Robert Barltrop. 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 169-170.
  272. __ . Review of No Mentor But Myself. Edited by Dale L. Walker. 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 77-78.
  273. __ . "Take a Pinch of Jack London: Interpretation, Not Interpolation, Urgently Required." 16 (Sept.-Dec. 1983): 104-105.
  274. Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline. "California and After: Jack London's Quest for the West." 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 41-54.
  275. __ . "Jack London's Science Fiction." 17 (Sept.-Dec. 1984): 7178.
  276. __ .. "The Wife of a King': A Defense." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 3438.
  277. Tintner, Adeline R. "Jack London's Use of Joseph Conrad's The End of the Tether in The Sea-Wolf." 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 61-65.
  278. Tsujii, Eiji. "The Accounts of Jack London's Death in the Japanese Press." 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 142-145.
  279. __ . "Jack London and the Yellow Peril." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 96-99.
  280. __ . "Jack London Items in the Japanese Press of 1904." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 55-58.
  281. __ . "Jack London Items in the Japanese Press of 1904: A Supplement" 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 31-33.
  282. __ . "To Make Jack London More Popular in Japan': A Commemorative Speech at the Sonoma National Golf Club on January 11, 1986." 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986): 116-118.
  283. __ . "A Visit to Oakland and Glen Ellen, Jack London's Home." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 63-67.
  284. Tweney, George H. "Jack London: Bibliographically and Biographically Speaking." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 9-22
  285. __ . "Jack London's Books in the Market." 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 140-144.
  286. __ . Review of Jack London and His Times--An Unconventional Biography, by Joan London. 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 29-31.
  287. Upton, Ann. "The Wolf in London's Mirror." 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 111-118.
  288. U. S. Senate. Journal of the State of California. "Senate Resolution 64, Relative to Memorializing Joan London Miller, 8 February 1971, p. 27. 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 159.
  289. Walker, Dale L. "The Exhumation of Jack: Andrew Sinclair's PathaBiography." Review of Jack: A Biography of Jack London, by Andrew Sinclair. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 119-126.
  290. __ . "Jack London and Maurice Magnus: An Annotation on a Strange Correspondent" 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 149-152.
  291. __ . "London Exhibit at the El Paso Public Library, May 15 June 15." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 105-107.
  292. __ . "Note to the Next London Biographer." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 28.
  293. __ . Review of A Pictorial Life of Jack London, by Russ Kingman. 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 20-21.
  294. __ . Review of Jack London: A Bibliography, Georgetown, Calif.; Talisman Press, 1966. Compiled by Hensley C. Woodbridge, John London and George H. Tweney. Revised and enlarged edition. Millwood, N. Y.: Kraus-Thompson Organization, Ltd., 1973. 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 148-150.
  295. __ . Review of Jack London: A Reference Guide, by Joan Sherman. 10 (May-Aug. 1977): 117-118.
  296. __ . Review of Jack London Reports. Edited by King Hendrick: and Irving Shepard. 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 111-117.
  297. __ . "Revisions on Horseback, Comparing the 'Sailors,' 1938, 1977." 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 27-36.
  298. __ . "Richard O'Connor (1915-1975)." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 35-37.
  299. __ . "What About Booze and His Red-Blooded Beast Craze?" Review of Jack London: An American Myth, by John Perry. 15 (May-Aug. 1982): 92-96.
  300. __ . "William Tum Suden Bahls Remembers Jack London: Three Letters." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 98-104.
  301. Walsh, Joy. "Visions of Martin Eden AS Jack Kerouac." 14 (Sept-.Dec. 1981): 105-112.
  302. Ward, Susan. "Jack London's Women: Civilization vs. The Frontier. 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 81-85.
  303. __ . "Toward a Simpler Style: Jack London's Stylistic Development." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 71-80.
  304. Ware, Elaine. "Jack London's Before Adam: Social Criticism in the Guise of Fantasy." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 109-115,21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 117-123.
  305. Watson, Jr., Charles N. "Nietzsche and The Sea-Woif. A Rebuttal." (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 33-35.
  306. __ . Review of Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work, Joan Hedrick. 15 (Sept-Dec. 1982): 128-131.
  307. __ , comp. "An Index to The Book of Jack London," by Charmian London. 16 (May-Aug. 1983): 47-95.
  308. Webb, Donald A. Letter to Professor Hensley C. Woodbridge, July 21, 1980, from Donald A. Webb, President of Centenary College of Louisiana, about The Star Rover. 13 (Sept.-Dec. 1980): 96.
  309. Weiderman, Richard. "London Collectors and Their Books." 5 (MayAug. 1972): 126-128.
  310. __ . "Scorn of Women: Jack London's Rarest First Edition." 4 (May-Aug. 1971): 119-121.
  311. Weitzel, Roy L. "Toward a 'Bright White Light': London's Use of Swinbwne in Martin Eden." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 1-8.
  312. Westbrook. Wayne W. "Plucking the California Goose - Financier James R. Keene and Jack London's Burning Daylight." (May-Dec. 1978): 50-55.
  313. Wilcox, Earl "Jack London's Naturalism: The Example of The Call of the Wild." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 91-101.
  314. __ . "'The Kipling of the Klondike': Naturalism in London's Early Fiction." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 1-12.
  315. __ .. "Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang." 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 42-55.
  316. __ . Review of Jack London, by Earle Labor. 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 82.
  317. __ . Review of The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories. Edited by Andrew Sinclair with introduction by James Dickey. 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 41.
  318. Williams, James. "Authorial Choice and Textual Meaning: The Sources of The Star Rover (part One)." 20 (May-Dec. 1987): 80119; (part Two) 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 1-65.
  319. __ . "An Essay Upon the Supposed Influence of Herbert Spencer's Philosophy of Style." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 22-30.
  320. __ . "Jack London's The Star Rover: A Case of Wrongful Neglect." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 96-99.
  321. __ . "Two Sources for The Star Rover." 17 (Jan.-Apr. 1984): 1-10.
  322. Williams, Tony. Acknowledgment. Comments on the Jack London Newsletter and Hensley C. Woodbridge, Editor. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988):144.
  323. __ . "Alexander Knox on the Warner Brothers Version of The Sea-Wolf. Extracts from an interview. 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 49-51.
  324. __ . "Charley Furuseth - The Sea-Wolfs Absent Father." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 1-21.
  325. __ . "Dean Reed as Jack London." 21 (Jan.-Dee. 1988): 145-1'
  326. __ . "From London's The Unexpected' to Kuleshov's By the La (Goskino Studio (Russia) movie). 19 (May-Aug. 1986): 55-68.
  327. __ . "History and Interpretation in the 1941 Version of Jack London's The Sea- Wolf' (Warner Brothers movie). 19 (May-Au 1986): 78-88.
  328. __ . "Jack London and the Dialogic Imagination." 21 (Jan.-~ 1988): 128-138.
  329. __ . "Jerry of the Islands and Michael, Brother of Jerry." 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 28-60.
  330. __ . "Literature, Film and The Dynamics of Exchange: An Analysis of Legend of The Sea-Wolf." 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 62-70.
  331. __ . "Memories of Jack: An Interview With Becky London." 1 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 1-10.
  332. __ . "The Mutiny of the Elsinore - ARe-evaluation." 19 (Jan.Apr. 1986): 1341.
  333. __ . Review of Critical Essays on Jack London. Edited by Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin. 21 (Jan.-Dee. 1988): 139-143.
  334. __ . Review of Jack London (Starmont Reader's Guide 15), by Gorman Beauchamp. 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 36-40.
  335. __ . Review of Jack London: A Trilogy. Compiled by The Jad London Research Center, Glen Ellen, (Calif.) with an introduction (by Earle Labor. 19 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 11.
  336. __ . Review of Jack London - An American Radical?, by Carol Johnston. 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 52-56.
  337. __ . Review of The Letters of Jack London. 3 vols. Edited by Earle Labor, Robert C. Leitz ill, and 1. Milo Shepard. 21 (Jan.Dec. 1988): 124-125.
  338. __ . Review of The Novels of Jack London: A Reappraisal, by Charles N. Watson, Jr. 18 (Sept-Dec. 1985): 77-90.
  339. __ . Review of The Tools of My Trade: Annotated Books in Jack London's Library, by David Mike Hamilton. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 126-127.
  340. __ . Review of War, by Jack London. 1913. Reprint, with an introduction by Russ Kingman. The Jack London Researcb Center, Glen Ellen (Calif.), 1985. 19 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 12.
  341. __ . Review of "Wolf Larsen (1958): An Allied Artists Production." 18 (Sept-Dec. 1985): 91-95.
  342. Winnick, David. "What Jack London (or Allende) Knew About the Enemies of Democracy." Tribune, A Labour Weekly (London, England). 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 8-10.
  343. Wirzberger, Karl-Heinz. "Jack London and the Goldrusb." Die Buchgemeinde, May 1967. Translated from the German by Ruby Susan Woodbridge. 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 146-147.
  344. Woodbridge, Hensley C., Editor. "Additional Notes." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): Inside back cover.
  345. __ . "Additional Notes." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 142-144.
  346. __ . "California: The Jack London Years, 1876-1976." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 54-55.
  347. __ . "Comments from Our Newsletter Subscribers." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 66.
  348. __ . "The Editor Apologizes to Ben Sweeney." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 187.
  349. __ . "Editorial." Comments on the first issue of the Jack London Newsletter by Hensley C. Woodbridge, editor. 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 1.
  350. __ . "Editor's Note." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 44-45.
  351. __ . "Errata to Jack London Newsletter, 6 (1)." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): Inside back cover.
  352. __ . "Europe, Special Issue Devoted to Jack London." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 57-59.
  353. __ . "Foreign Language Collections and Anthologies." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 67-69.
  354. __ . "From the Editor's mail." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 102-103.
  355. __ . "A Further Note on Gold and 'A Days Lodging.'" 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 112-113.
  356. __ . "A Gift From Tony Bubka." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 29-30.
  357. __ . "Into What Languages Has London Been Translated? 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 84.
  358. __ . "Jack London: A Bibliography - A Supplement." 2 (Jan.-Apr. 1969): 5-25.
  359. __ . "Jack London: America's Most Underrepresented Major Literary Voice." Editor's note about papers presented at the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the College English Association, 10-12 April 1986. 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986): 89.
  360. __ . "Jack London Clubs." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 40.
  361. __ . "L'Appel de la vie series directed by Francis Lacassin." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 30-33.
  362. __ . "London and The Daily Worker." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 54-55.
  363. __ . "London in Library of America." 16 (Jan.-Apr. 1983): 45-46.
  364. __ . "Material in English on London." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 71-72.
  365. __ . "Miscellaneous Notes." Comments on the final issue of the Jack London Newsletter by Hensley C. Woodbridge, editor. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 148-149.
  366. __ . "Nelson's Continental Library and Jack London." 13 (Jan.- Apr. 1980): 39-40.
  367. __ . "News and Notes."* 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 20.
  368. __ . "News and Notes." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 66-67, 76.
  369. __ . "The 1976 London Centennial." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 88.
  370. __ . "A Note on the Danish Authorized Translations of Jack London's Works." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 83-85.
  371. __ . "Notes." 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 164.
  372. __ . "Notes and Queries." 2 (Sept-Dec. 1969): 104.
  373. __ . "Our Contributors." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 108.
  374. __ . "Our Contributors." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 54.
  375. __ . "Recent Wolf House Books." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 186.
  376. __ . "Renewal Notice." 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 188.
  377. __ . Report on BBC televised filming of To Build a Fire. London's Sunday Mirror, 6 December 1970, p. 23; 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 94, 136.
  378. __ . Review of A Search for Jack London, by A. W. Freeman. 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 44-45.
  379. __ . Review of American Fiction: 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources, by James Woodress. 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 19.
  380. __ . Review of American Short Fiction, Readings & Fiction. Edited by James K. Bowen and Richard Van Der Beets. 3 (MayAug. 1970): 64.
  381. __ . Review of Dzhek London. A biobibliography compiled by the All Soviet State Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow, Kniga, 1969, 147 pp. 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 73-74.
  382. __ . Review of Fragmentos del Futuro. "A New Spanish Anthology of London's Short Stories." Translated from the Spanish and edited by Francisco Cabezas Coca. 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 69-70.
  383. __ . Review of Great Short Works of Jack London. Edited and with an introduction by Earle Labor. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 52-53.
  384. __ . Review of Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by Dale L. Walker. 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 46-47.
  385. __ . Review of La jungle, by Upton Sinclair. 8 (May-Aug. 1975) 76-77.
  386. __ . Review of Mandala. Edited by Wilfred L. Guerin, Earle Labor, Lee Morgan, and John R. Willingham. 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 63.
  387. __ . Review of Mario Marft, La Giungla e II Grattacielo: Gil Scrutori e II Sogno Americano 1865-1920. 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 45-46.
  388. __ . Review of No Castles on Main Street: American Authors on Their Homes, by Stephanie Kraft 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 91-92.
  389. __ . Review of The London Collector. A literary magazine edited and published by Richard Weiderman. 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 71.
  390. __. Review of The Science Fiction of Jack London: An Anthology. Edited with a new introduction by Richard Gid Powers. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 73-75.
  391. __ . Review of The Unabridged Jack London. Edited by Lawrence Teacher and Richard E. Nicholls. 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 67-68.
  392. __ . "The Stanford Cardinal of February 1921." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 56.
  393. __ comp. "Additional Reviews." 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 18-19.
  394. __ . "More References Concerning Jack London." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 34-40.
  395. __ . WLT2**: FIrst Supplement." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 31-54.
  396. __ . WLT2: Supplement 2." 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 123-130.
  397. __ WLT2: Supplement 3." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 48-54.
  398. __ . WLT2: Supplement 4." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 85-89.
  399. __ . WLT2: Supplement 5." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 127-131.
  400. __ . WLT2: Supplement 5. "[sic] 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 28-31.
  401. __ . WLT2: Supplement 6." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 80-82.
  402. __ . WLT2: Supplement 7." 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 133-137.
  403. __ . WL T2: Supplement 8." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 46-51.
  404. __ . WLT2: Supplement 10." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 104-106.
  405. __ . WLT2: Supplement 11." 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 156-159.
  406. __ . WLT2: Supplement 12." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 52-53.
  407. __ . WLT2: Supplement 13." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 41-49.
  408. __ . WLT2: Supplement 14." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 68-73.
  409. __ . WLT2: Supplement 15." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 86-88.
  410. __ . WLT2: Supplement 16." 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 63-65.
  411. __ . WLT2: Supplement 17." 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 35-39.
  412. Woodward, Robert W. "Another Reading of Jack London's War.'" 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 151-156.
  413. __ . "'Jack London Slept Here.''' 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 158.
  414. __ . "Martin Eden." Poem. 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 160.
  415. __ . "The Three 'Coined' Words in London's The Star Rover: Errata." 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 66.
  416. __ , comp."Jack London: A Bibliography, Addenda II." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 88-90.
  417. Woodward, Robert W., and Charles Ludlum. "The Three 'Coined' Words in London's The Star Rover." 16 (Sept.-Dec. 1983): 106108.
  418. Zamen, Mark E. "London." 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1985): 36-46.

*Published books concerning Jack London or reprints of his works are mentioned in "News and Notes," "Notes," and "Notes and Queries."
**Woodbridge, Hensley C., John London, George H. Tweney. Jack London: A Bibliography. 2nd ed. Millwood, N.Y., Kraus-Thomson Organization, Ltd., 1973.

DEDICATED TO: Hensley C. Woodbridge, friend, gentleman, scholar and Editor/Publisher of the Jack London Newsletter. 1967-1988. -Jo Anne Sharpe

Copyright © 1996 by Jo Anne Sharpe

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