Step In the Right Direction
Connie Kale Johnson
On May 16, 1984, I made my first stop at the World of Jack London Bookstore as a beginning writer, to learn what I might have in common with this famous writer of dog stories, because we shared the same birthday, the 12th of January. I stepped into the Bookstore and was greeted by a stately white rooster that strutted in front of a glass counter where a calico cat softly purred waiting to be petted. It was love at first sight for us all. Winnie Kingman greeted me with a welcoming smile introducing me to her animal family and listened as I confessed all I knew about Jack London was that he wrote, The Call of the Wild. She suggested her husband's book, A Pictorial Life of Jack London, and if I would like, he was in his office and would autograph it for me. I was beside myself at the thought of meeting an author and eagerly followed her and the cat, with the rooster following me into the quaint office of Russ Kingman. An hour and half later, I had learned that Jack and I both loved ranching-horses-outdoor life-on and on-and that this man, Russ, I had just met knew it all-and if he didn't, I was sure he would research until he did. During our visit, Russ had suggested that as a writer and with my rural background, I should consider working with the State Park in doing a publication on the ranch to help restore the cottage—and when I had time, consider doing a book on Jack's horses since I also raised horses. I left that day knowing Brewster the Rooster and Callie the cat and with my mind on overload with visions of stories. I exchanged a warm handshake with Winnie and Russ Kingman—not as good-bye but as the beginning of a lasting friendship that eventually included Becky London and for over 20 years scholars from around the world. I was able to fulfill Russ's visions when I collaborated with Homer Haughey and we created publications on Jack's ranch and homes. But one of my greatest joys was to answer his heart-filled request for a story about his pet rooster and the day I presented him with, Brewster and the Bookworm, a story that took place in the Bookstore in sleepy Glen Ellen, in the Valley of the Moon. Life will never be the same but memories will linger forever. |
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