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- Adventure in the Upper Sea, An
- All Gold Cañon
- Aloha Oe
- Amateur Night
- And 'Frisco Kid Came Back
- Apostate, The
- At the Rainbow's End
- Bald-Face
- Banks of the Sacramento, The
- Bâtard
- Benefit of the Doubt, The
- Bones of Kahekili, The
- Brown Wolf
- Bunches of Knuckles
- By the Turtles of Tasman
- Captain of the Susan Drew, The
- Charley's Coup
- Chased by the Trail
- Chinago, The
- Chris Farrington, Able Seaman
- Chun Ah Chun
- Created He Them
- Curious Fragment, A
- Daughter of the Aurora, A
- Day's Lodging, A
- Death of Ligoun, The
- Demetrios Contos
- Devil's Dice Box, The
- Devils of Fuatino, The
- Dream Image, A
- Dream of Debs, The
- Dutch Courage
- End of the Chapter, The
- End of the Story, The
- Enemy of All the World, The
- Eternity of Forms, The
- Even unto Death
- Faith of Men, The
- Feathers of the Sun, The
- Finis
- Flush of Gold
- Flutter in Eggs, A
- "Francis Spaight," The
- "Frisco Kid's" Story
- "Fuzziness" of Hoockla-Heen, The
- Goboto Night, A
- God of His Fathers, The
- Goliah
- Good-By, Jack
- Great Interrogation, The
- Grilling of Loren Ellery, The
- Grit of Women
- Handsome Cabin Boy, The
- Hanging of Cultus George, The
- Heathen, The
- Hobo and the Fairy, The
- House of Mapuhi, The
- House of Pride, The
- Hussy, The
- Hyperborean Brew
- In a Far Country
- In the Forests of the North
- In the Time of Prince Charley
- In Yeddo Bay
- Inevitable White Man, The
- Jan, the Unrepentant
- Jokers of New Gibbon, The
- "Just Meat"
- Kanaka Surf, The
- Keesh, Son of Keesh
- King of Mazy May
- King of the Greeks, The
- Klondike Christmas, A
- Koolau the Leper
- Law of Life, The
- League of Old Men, The
- Leopard Man's Story, The
- Lesson in Heraldry, A
- Li-Wan, the Fair
- Like Argus of the Ancient Times
- Little Account With Swithin Hall, A
- Little Man, The
- Local Color
- Lost Face
- Lost Poacher, The
- Love of Life
- Madness of John Harned, The
- Mahatma's Little Joke
- Make Westing
- Man On The Other Bank, The
- Man With the Gash, The
- Marriage of Lit-Lit, The
- Master of Mystery, The
- Mauki
- Meat, The
- Men of Forty Mile, The
- Mexican, The
- Minions of Midas, The
- Mistake of Creation, The
- Moon-Face
- Nam-Bok the Unveracious
- Negore, The Coward
- Night Born, The
- Night's Swim In Yeddo Bay
- Northland Miracle, A
- Nose for the King, A
- O Haru
- Odyssey of the North, An
- Old Baldy
- Old Soldier's Story, An
- On the Makaloa Mat
- One More Unfortunate
- One Thousand Dozen, The
- Passing of Marcus O'Brien, The
- Pearls of Parlay, The
- Piece of Steak, A
- Plague Ship
- Planchette
- Pluck and Pertinacity
- Priestly Prerogative, The
- Princess, The
- Prodigal Father, The
- Proper "Girlie"
- Proud Goat of Aloysius Pankburn, The
- Race For Number Three, The
- Raid on the Oyster Pirates, A
- Red One, The
- Rejunvenation of Major Rathbone, The
- Relic of the Pliocene, A
- Sakaicho, Hona Asi and Hakadaki
- Samuel
- Scorn of Women, The
- Sea Farmer, The
- Seed of McCoy, The
- Semper Idem
- Shadow and the Flash, The
- Sheriff of Kona, The
- Shin-Bones
- Shorty Dreams
- Sickness of Lone Chief, The
- Siege of the 'Lancashire Queen', The
- Siwash
- Son of the Sun, A
- Son of the Wolf, The
- South of the Slot
- Stampede to Squaw Creek, The
- Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
- Story of Jees Uck, The
- Story of Keesh, The
- Strange Experience of a Misogynist, The
- Strength of the Strong, The
- Sun Dog Trail, The
- Sunlanders, The
- Taste Of The Meat, The
- Tears of Ah Kim, The
- Terrible Solomons, The
- Test, The: A Clondyke Wooing
- Thanksgiving on Slav Creek
- That Spot
- Their Alcove
- Thousand Deaths, A
- To Build a Fire (I)
- To Build a Fire (II) [Most read short story]
- To Kill a Man
- To Repel Boarders
- To the Man on Trail
- Told in the Drooling Ward
- Too Much Gold
- Town-Site of Tra-Lee, The
- Trust
- Two Gold Bricks
- Under the Deck Awnings
- Unexpected, The
- Unmasking of the Cad, The
- Unparalleled Invasion, The
- Up the Slide
- War
- Water Baby, The
- Whale Tooth, The
- When Alice Told Her Soul
- When God Laughs
- When the World Was Young
- Where the Trail Forks
- Which Make Men Remember
- White and Yellow
- White Man's Way, The
- White Silence, The
- Who Believes in Ghosts!
- Whose Business Is to Live
- Wicked Woman, A
- Wife of a King, The
- Winged Blackmail
- Wisdom of the Trail
- Wit of Porportuk, The
- Wonder of Woman
- "Yah! Yah! Yah!"
- Yellow Handkerchief
“There are five short stories listed in London's manuscript log that he evidently wrote and submitted for publication, These were never published and no copies of them have ever been found. The titles are:"Two Children of Israel"; "Delilah of the Foothills"; "Ethics of the Trail"; "Jason Aubrey"; and "Native Wife".
The Complete Short Stories (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1993) contains all stories that have been found.”
- Dan Wichlan