- Farm boy at age of seven
- At age 10 sold newspapers on the street
- Worked on an ice wagon
- Worked in a bowling alley
- Worked in a cannery
- At fifteen bought The Razzle-Dazzle became an oyster pirate
- Became a member of the Fish Patrol
- Spent 7 months at sea on a three-masted sealer
- Worked in a jute mill
- Worked in a laundry
- Shoveled coal for Oakland electric railway power plant
- Worked as a roustabout
- Tramped across country
- Thrown in prison 30 days hard labor at Niagara Falls
- Attended Oakland High School while working as a janitor
- Became known as Oakland's "Boy Socialist" at nineteen
- Attended University of California at Berkeley
- Sailed on Umatilla to the Klondike gold rush
- Called "American Kipling" at twenty-four
- Renown author, social crusader, journalist, world traveler and correspondent at thirty-one
- Prizewinning stockbreeder - scientific farmer at thirty-five
- Self-made millionaire by the time of his death at forty
Jack left school at age eleven, he then worked at a wide range of jobs. At the age of 19 he returned to school, realizing it was far easier to sell his brain rather than continue to be a "work beast".
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